CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

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Some pics of eggs from the last few days. Not bad color considering these hens have been laying since spring. I am going to start selecting away from the rounder eggs like the one in my hand.

Picture with flash.

In full sun in the window. The color is a bit washed out in this pic. The smaller light egg in the middle is from an F1 silver project pullet.

During the meeting we also discussed double mating. Other countries do double mating for the Barnevelders, but in the Netherlands this is not necessary. It is not necessary, because of the black breast colour of the cockerel (only a black breast colour is allowed in the Netherlands!) This was also one of the conclusions of the commission that has been doing a study on issues pertaining to the breed and its genetic complexitie, because otherwise you get the light shafting on the hens breast. The Germans demand some brown feather parts in the breast of the cockerel and that's why they have the problems of the light shafting on the hens breast.
The Hen #3, I see some "barring" in the primary wing feathers. Normal or not?

Does anyone know where GF got their Barnvelders from? I hope it is not one of the lesser known breeder and where did GF imported the stock from what country?

It would be very interesting to see what kind of egg shell color their Barnvelders have. I am impressed with GF's facilities, well run and well managed in taking care of their chickens. I've seen pictures and they got some terrific ideas on their breeding pens set up, grow out pens, etc.
TLS, thank you for the excellent feather pictures - it is so helpful to see a clear representation of good and bad.

JMO, selecting color and pattern that requires double breeding for correct birds is not a great way to establish excellence. Few people have the space and resources to pick more than one breed to concentrate on, and having to maintain two distinct breeding lines, selecting excellence for both, is going to limit the number of breeders and interest in the breed. Not to mention being kind of crazy, if there is a way to get great birds without it.
The Greenfire hens aren't laying yet. Soon I hope. I'm also curious about that egg color.

Greenfire says they imported their Barnevelders from England. I have been hoping that the lacing will improve as they mature. Here are some closer pictures of the lacing. I know the line in the shaft is not good, and the color is uneven throughout, but I still thought they were double laced. This doesn't look like double lacing? Since these are my first I have nothing to compare with. Thanks for the feedback!

I just got her this week to go with my splash roo. I have a blue double lace pullet also.
The Greenfire hens aren't laying yet. Soon I hope. I'm also curious about that egg color.

Greenfire says they imported their Barnevelders from England. I have been hoping that the lacing will improve as they mature. Here are some closer pictures of the lacing. I know the line in the shaft is not good, and the color is uneven throughout, but I still thought they were double laced. This doesn't look like double lacing? Since these are my first I have nothing to compare with. Thanks for the feedback!

are these supposed to be blue or regular black double laced? if blue. I would get somegood quality standard Barnevelders to breed with and only keep the ones with the cleanest lacing. if black, there are plenty of nice black barnevelders out there to start with that would have alot cleaner lacing.
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