Cuddly Chicken


In the Brooder
May 17, 2015

This is Tim and she is the cuddliest chicken I have owned, I was rather endeared this morning when she walked up to me and let me scoop her up, she then just sat on my lap/hand till I was ready to get up and go inside. She is a 6 month old and laying Americauna
I love my ameraucanas! Beautiful eggs, soft-looking bird, fun breed. My gray one went broody at the end of spring, so we stuck some fertiized eggs under her, and she hatched them and has been a wonderful mother! Anyway, your white is a beauty!
I have an older Americauna hen that isnt quite as friendly as Tim, they both lay lovely eggs though, I am partial to Buff Orpingtons seeing as my favorite hen Popcorn was one, very sweet bird.
We got our first buff Orpington this last spring; she isn't even laying yet. My son named her Lemonjuice.

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