cukoo marans pullet or roo?


In the Brooder
Apr 30, 2015
Poway Ca.
I recently got 2 cuckoo marans that are about 6 weeks old now and I have noticed that one has a short tail and thick legs. While the other has a more defined feathered out tail that is upright w/ skinnier legs. Is the tail any indication of sex or is it just all in the genes?
I have two Cukoo Marans pullets that are about the same age. They look very similar. Last week, I was sure that they looked different, but they look the same now. IMO, from those pics, you just have some hens that are growing at different paces. I think the comb will be a better indicator.
Thanks. I sort of thought that but wanted to put it out there. I have been watching for any change in comb but haven't seen any difference.
Have you had cukoo before? If so are they calm or flighty. I also picked out a welsummer and a blue wyandotte. They don't cry as much when I pick them up but the cukoo are more inquisitive.

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