Cups or nipples...waterers that is!?

You ONLY need 2 nipples for 8 chickens, but. I would run 3. If you have to many they can clog due to lack of use. The girls tend to use the same one over and over, weird I know? I have seen three chickens using the same nipple at the same time, pretty funny. I would order more then you need. You will change your setup or upgrade it, or make a mistake.
Good luck

Thanks for the advice
Thanks for the advice
I had 3 nipples for 6 chickens in the brooder and 3 in the run for the same 6 and tbey seem to use the same 2 all the time. I bought the red ones from QC supply, but I dont remember the item # but if I find it tomorrow I will let you know. I love em but dont feel bad when and if you let them free range they run to the first mud puddle or other nasty water and drink out of it like their dying of chickens...
Thanks for the visual. I have not converted to nipples because I was concerned about getting the correct height for the various chickens. Duh I didn't think about providing stepping blocks. I tried the little individual cups designed to be used on a bucket. They seemed like a great idea so I bought about 15 at $11 each I should have tried one or two because they SUCKED. At first they seemed great but within a week to 10 days they quit working one by one. I complained to the supplier but they had a lame excuse and weren't interested. Now I think I will try the nipples but I have heard the chickens do not get enough water? Does anyone really know if the chickens stay hydrated enough with the nipples as their sole source of water?
Thanks for the visual. I have not converted to nipples because I was concerned about getting the correct height for the various chickens. Duh I didn't think about providing stepping blocks. I tried the little individual cups designed to be used on a bucket. They seemed like a great idea so I bought about 15 at $11 each I should have tried one or two because they SUCKED. At first they seemed great but within a week to 10 days they quit working one by one. I complained to the supplier but they had a lame excuse and weren't interested. Now I think I will try the nipples but I have heard the chickens do not get enough water? Does anyone really know if the chickens stay hydrated enough with the nipples as their sole source of water?
They have since grown some so you just pull blocks out as need, although I have surface mounted one so I will always have something under them so you dont end up with a mud pit. Mine seem to get plenty of water from it but dont be shocked if you let them free-range and the first place they run to is a nasty mud puddle. It is just a chickens way. It is not your watererer or water, they just prefer open water containers I think. They say 5psi for the nipples is optimum but I think I have a little more because I have a 15 gal source 3 ft above the nipples and when you push the nipples you get water like right now and with more pressure than the 2 gal one I use in the brooder. Hope my info helps and good luck.
Thank you, that reminds me of another question. I see the wet area under the nipples. Do you think that is spilled while the chickens are drinking? Or do the nipples weep some whe left alone?
I got mine with no leaks, after putting thread tape on the screw in one. Mine is from the chickens, I think because the pressure is a little high from the size of the tank and the height it is at. I do not see any dripsor leaks when they are not using it. I have been adjusting my on/off valves to try to lower the pressure a little.out

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