Curled Toes/Cant Walk

Chickentrotfarm, We had a chick with curled toes to.....but ours was a buff, we looked some up some info and found that if you put a bandaid on the foot and flatten it out it would work..... so we tried it and it worked great!! The chick was fully recovered and we couldn't tell them apart within a week or to!!
Started the vitamins last night and she was still on her haunches this afternoon but I noticed that her eyelid was half open on its own.We made her some boots and within a few minutes she was walking like a duck .I must say that the boots sounded a little funny at first but seeing her moving forward instead of face planting with each attempt at walking is worth how silly it looks. Thanks for all the great advice. I love this forum it is a great place for all the chicken luvers of the world.way better than facebook!
Yeah! Progress! Now she needs time and vitamins! Keep up the good work, we are all rooting for her.
Keep us posted.



I just posted about this very same thing with my 3mo. Austrolorpe!!
Mine has always been active with no problems, they eat a complete starter/grower plus limited healthy treats.

What to do???? And why has this happened...I have added electrolytes & vitamins to the water tonight.
Try making some chicken "boots." Trace the foot on some cardboard, cut it out, and lightly tape the foot onto the shape with duct tape. You have to be sure not to tape too tightly because you'll cut off the circulation, but enough so the toes don't slip out. Also put the vitamins in a treat so they wont break down and you can be sure she eats all of it. I like to use a little cooked plain oatmeal with added ground flax . My chicks go crazy over this. I also had to take her away from my other chicks b/c a RIR was picking on her. I put her with the friendlier chicks during the day in a chicken tractor in the garden . She is walking like a duck but getting used to the boots and she is more active if there are some other girls around.I noticed tonight that one of my adult buff orpingtons is limping so I started her on the vitamins as well. I wonder if I got an old bag of food or maybe I need to add grit to their food b/c it's not digesting well. I was told that if I free range them they would find enough snail shells and grit on their own. Hope this helps.

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