Current Movies - Thumbs UP or Thumbs DOWN

Took the kids and saw Incredibles 2. If you liked the original you will like this one. I'd say it's a typical sequel. There were some funny bits that I felt like I was the only person in the audience who actually got, but I'm also a nerd so am used to that.

I'd give it 3.5 out of 5 eggs. Catch a matinee showing, easily worth that.
The movie that we were supposed to see this weekend, has disappeared from Amc's cluster of theaters. They showed times for it earlier and now no mention whatsoever.
Saw "Jurassic World" yesterday. The Princess liked it better than me. She gave it 4 stars, and I'll go 2.5. Hot and miserably humid today so we are going to see "Gotti". Have I mentioned that I can not stand John Travolta ? We'll report later.
Hot and humid, generally miserable today = got up early to run dogs came home to help the Princess in the flower beds. Not much of a choice for movies here right now. We opted to see "Won't You be my Neighbor" the Mr Rogers documentary. On the way there the Princess said, "I can't believe we're going to see Mr Rogers." Okay so I am a bit judgmental and have always thought Mr Rogers to be a monumental d'bag. Well, that descriptor may better fit me. He was a really cool and truly good person well loved by family and all who worked with him. In a time of dislike, judgement, unacceptance, division it was good to be reminded that good did/does exist. We just have to look beyond the self serving haters and love can be found. We enjoyed this movie of clips, out takes and interviews and it provided some good laughs and an uplifting message. No rating as it is not a typical movie and acting is nonexistent, but it was fun and uplifting. You just might like it.
Well I went to see Book Club yesterday with my good friend and we both found it funny and uplifting. There were some real laugh out loud moments. We missed it when it first came out and it went to matinee only showings after a week and she works days and has family commitments at weekends but since it is unbearably hot here in the UK at the moment and she is on holiday, we decided that an A/C cinema was preferable to doing anything else during the heat of the day. My 90 year old widowed aunt had been dissuaded from going to see this film by her daughters because they thought it would be too risqué for her, which to me typifies the attitude of the 2 daughters to Diane Keating's character in the film, so perhaps there is some realism to the film. It did make me come away from it thinking I need to reappraise my life and work harder at my relationship (just to clarify, I'm not talking red room and bondage here :eek:) as well as feeling uplifted..... I guess I felt motivated that there is more left in life than the aches and pains of growing old.

We also saw 2 trailers that we definitely want to see. One was The Children Act with the wonderful Dame Emma Thompson and the other was Poo Bear with Ewan Mcgreggor. I'm not normally one for weepies but the story line of the former looked very topical and intriguing and since both my friend and I worked in the justice system it will hold interest for us particularly. I'm not normally one for children's stories either but the Poo Bear one looked beyond cute and obviously aimed at both adults and children, so we don't need to find a child to borrow to justify our cinema visit. I'm not sure if either film will be or have been released in the USA yet. They both looked like very British films but sometimes that can cause them to have worldwide appeal.
thanks Sour, my son is in town for my B-day and my brother is in the mix and no one can agree on a movie, so I guess I'll just nap all day.

PS that's what I thought about him, couldn't stand his tv shows, though I did love "Sesame Street, " Garfield Goose, Kukla, Fran & Ollie,"
Saw "Ant Man & the Wasp," pleasant movie, some good laughs - easy to watch: turn off brain & let someone else pay for the air conditioning.
Just read that Idris Elba is to play the villain in ""Fast & furious' spin off featuring Dwayne Johnston and Jason Strathorn

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