current price of eggs!?

LOL I have no idea what eggs cost in the store. I sell mine for $3 a dozen.

Also I have noticed the slight increase in the daylight hours. It is something you notice when you are waiting for "them" to go in to roost.

p.s. went to Aldi's today and checked out the price of their eggs.....$1.39 a doz. for large.
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Our stores fluctuate the egg prices each week, but I haven't seen them lower than $1.69 in months. The cage free, free range and organic eggs have come down from $5 to $3.99 per dozen at Walmart.

The home sellers are steady at $3 per dz. The next county over is advertising home seller eggs at $2.50 dz on the radio's Monday Market program.

I was buying the free range organic eggs for $5 per dozen at Whole Foods until I got my chickens. I was spending $30 per month plus the gas for the 45 min drives, add another $20.
My loose free range chickens cost me $25 per month and are laying 14 to 15 eggs per day(16 girls). I am already in the black without selling one egg!
In wasilla alaska store eggs are around 3.89 a dozen... the fresh home grower eggs at the local feed store are 5.00 a dozen. people pay for them too!!! I have my two little chickens and love getting the 2 eggs a day on most days (some days they both skip-some days only one lays)
Happy New Year!!! I sell mine for $2 a dozen. I sell to friends and to a feed store which the store turns around and sells them for 3.50. I went into Whole foods and they sell them for .50 each or $5 a dozen!! I about fell out when I saw that!!!

Good luck
I sell my fresh brown eggs for $1.50. I have regular customers and the $$$ goes for feed.
But, obvious ly if you can seel for $2.50... go for it. Some of me folks pay me a little more because they want to.
In Vermont, I still buy eggs because my chickens have yet to start laying!

Can't tell you about Walmart, I don't shop there.

$2.99 for conventional eggs, Vermont raised.

$3.00 for the back-yard raised eggs at the local farmer's market. Birch Run Farm (BYC member) I think is also selling eggs for $3.00 - Birch Run, that's you on CL, right?

$4.00 for the so-so farm eggs at the local farmer's market (which I don't buy, but the $3 place sells out).

$4.79 for Vermont Compost Company eggs, which taste about the same as the good $3 eggs at the farmer's market. These are better than any of the other eggs at the grocery store. However, again, sometimes these are out of stock.

I buy Vermont Compost Company when I can't get the $3 farmers' market eggs. I'd rather pay more for eggs and have them worth eating.

I know that the real key to having my chickens start laying will be to buy another dozen eggs. :)
Wonder what people would pay for bantam size eggs, some of my little cochins pop out some lunkers. I give mine to my family and hubbys family as well as eat them myself. My husbands family is allergic to store bought eggs but they can eat mine with no problems. I would sell them but i don't have enough hens to keep up with the possible demand. Good excuse to get some more
I'm going to sell mine for $3/doz to start and then go to $4/doz as the eggs get bigger.

Local stores sell (pick two:) - organic - free-range - naturally-nested - brown - vegetarian (??) - pastured - eggs for $4-6/doz.

All my friends have said that $3/doz is too cheap.

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