cut on leg?


10 Years
May 12, 2013
one of my two week old chicks has somehow gotten a cut on her leg. it's about 3/4 of a centimeter long and is more of a slice-doesn't seem TOO deep and she doesn't seem to be having any trouble walking. not sure how it happened-nobody else is injured. I put some antibiotic ointment on it & it is no longer bleeding-is there anything else I should do for her? thanks for any suggestions!
As long as it's not too deep or causeing any issues I wouldn't worry to much. If you REALLY wanted to be on the safe side maybe rap it but I think that may be a bit over kill. Just make sure the kind you are useing does not have any of the pain relive meds in it. Lidocaine, or Benzocaine, really are the most important but other then that it should be fine. Don't...... mother hen. lol Sorry just had to say it.

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