Cute cat pictures


Chicken Fan Club President
Premium Feather Member
16 Years
Jan 18, 2008
SE Massachusetts
Came upstairs earlier and this little cutie was laying on my bed. Came back in and she's still there <3

She's grooming in the last two hehe









Aaaw KDOGG331 she is a cutie!

Just this morning I was having a lovely chat with my little gal about how well I am now able to make the bed around her

I hope you do not mind me sharing some cute pictures of her also:

She loves her 'air bed':

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Aaaw KDOGG331 she is a cutie! Just this morning I was having a lovely chat with my little gal about how well I am now able to make the bed around her ;) I hope you do not mind me sharing some cute pictures of her also: She loves her 'air bed':
Awwww thank you!! Yours is a cutie too!! Ahh isn't it fun trying to do things around them!? :p The best is when you're in the bed and they come and lay on you (or on your side! Even if you're only on your side a second. They know. One of her favorite things lol) and trap you there. And awww of course I don't mind!!! She's a cutie and gorgeous!! And in fact, let's just turn this into a cute cat picture thread! Everybody can post pictures, great idea. :) And that air bed is genius!! Luna would love it! Where'd you find it?
Tee hee … I hear ya!

Chimee [the little one pictured] is not really a cuddly cat, unless it is somewhere between 1 and 5am! During the day; ‘Do not touch me” .. “Put me down”. Night time; after waking you up with a gentle paw to the nose; ‘I want cuddles” and “rub my belly”.

My male cat, Syba [who is twice her size] pushes me out of bed!

Yep, I think a cute cat picture thread is a wonderful idea!

The air bed is part of a cat tower I bought for them a couple of years ago. I ordered it online here is Aus but I am sure there are similar in the States:

This is Syba:

Ooops, did I mention Syba does not like the cold

This is Syba:

Aww well Luna's actually similar. I think it might be a female thing. :p she used to run all over and sometimes try to bite before she got spayed. Now she still sometimes runs but she's been a lot calmer for a while now. She'll lay there and let you go pet her and she'll even rub all over your hand.for a while if you leave it there, she's really sweet, and she's not a.mean cat, but if you try to pick her up she'll be mad lol she'll tolerate it briefly then want to be put down. Sometimes she likes it but even then not for long. She'll even come up to you and rub on your legs thougg (or hands if you're on the floor). She's a typical female thougg in that everything is usually on her terms BUT she's not typical at the same time because she's not at all mean. Even with other people. At nighr and morning though, when she's in bed, she's the cuddliest cat ever. And she's always purring even during the day. She's definitely my cat though because she's only cuddly with me. She likes my dad though amd is pretty cuddly with him too, maybe even just as much, but I'm her favorite and she only loves both of us. She's not mean though and you can pet her but she'll try to run away from you lol

Our old cat, a huge orange male, loved everybody.

I hope it takes off. :D

But oh wow that thing is AMAZING!! It's like a castle!! That thing would be ridiculously expensive here though haha

But aww he's cute
Heres my cat...her names cat. I got her from a petsore 4 years ago she was in a crate. Shes an outside cat. I moved and took her with me. Had her with my chickens for about a week then let her roam. She knows her way around now. I need to get her fixed seems everytime i try shes already pregnant. Im not sure how soon after a litter can you get one fixed.

Awww she's adorable!! And I think they can do it pretty late into it or maybe try doing it right after a litter? I think she could still nurse them and if not maybe you or someone else could bottle feed them? Or maybe there's a way you could like temporarily keep her and the kittens inside or in an outbuilding or something so she can't get pregnant again then you can fix her after the litters weaned? You probably should soon as I can't imagine that's very good for her body, as I'm sure you know. We were late getting mine spayed as I couldn't drive and we just never went. We finally did it when she was almost 3. She's 5 now. Thankfully she never got pregnant as there aren't many cats here and most are fixed I think but looking back on it it was probably still bad because I don't even thibk we got her vaccinated, except maybe when she was tiny but idk, and we were letting her out and stuff. We were behind on vaccines too, not just spaying her. She's indoor now though, although she still sneaks out occasionally. Anyway, yours is adorable. :) is that a current or recent litter? Or older. So cute
Hey Pandapaws23 she is a sweet looking girl also .. those kittens are adorable!

While reading your post, I smiled because of the varied lives everyone’s cats lead and how adaptable they are.

I rescued my two from a shelter and they are inside cats for who we have built an outdoor play area due to cars, neighbourhood dogs etc .. I am thinking they would not last two minutes outside on their own

Their play area:

That looks like a nice area!! I really want to build one for Luna since she used to be indoor/outdoor and out quite often then was out less and less as we tried to keep her in but she snuck out still or would be let out by others and now she is fully indoors and we're actively trying to keep her in. She's still managed to sneak out a couple times lately though. But anyway, my point is that I think she misses being outside. I don't recall her ever going far, just hanging out by the yard and occasionally in the woods, so I think an enclosure would work just fine for her. It's nice to see one that still looks nice but doesn't look like it's too expensive too because I see so many huge fancy ones with the really nice wire and deck boards or just a large, likely expensive, dog enclosure, etc. And I wanted one like that at first but I don't think I want to spend a couple hundred lol

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