Cutting a ducklings wing to keep it from flying when it is older !?s


9 Years
Sep 12, 2010
Southeast MO
Hi, I read somewhere that people actually cut a piece off of the tips of their ducks wings when they are ducklings. Has anyone heard this? Is this ture? Doesnt it hurt the little ducklings? What part is cut off of the wing? How does it work? Does it affect how the wing looks when the duckling grows up? Thanks for any help
I've heard of people cutting the flight feathers to keep birds from flying but I have never heard of anyone cutting the tips off of thier wings. That to me would almost seem cruel
. I know some hatcheries will cut a wing off of a chicken to keep it from flying but I have no idea about ducks.
You're probably referring to pinioning. Its a practice done mostly on migratory birds, I believe. I actually think it may be required for some species in some areas. Hopefully someone who knows more about this subject will chime in.
It's called pinioning and I'm not an expert on it, but there are others here that have done it to their ducks and geese. They cut off a small part of the wing on one side where the primary feathers would grow. It prevents them from flying very far, high, or very long. One wing will look a little shorter than the other.

I would think it would hurt, but others would say that if you do it right, there's very little pain or blood. However, it permanently makes them unable to fly, so it's something to think carefully about if you are free-ranging.
There is a main vein in that wing so unless you know what you are doing, don't. You know that piece of the chicken wing you don't eat.. thats what you take off and it has to be on day 3 or you may kill it. it has to be right at the joint or it can get bad., Unless you have flying Mallards, in which case just buy Rouen ducks.. same thing don't fly. Or Muscovy that flying really isn't an issue.. I don't see the point.
ChickieBooBoo, Ya thats what i was thinking, whats the point
sonjab314, I think I actually heard of it from a hatchery, but I can't really remember, I think I read that some hatcheries will do this for you if you ask, for a lil more money? idk
Oh don't worry about it, Im not planing on doing it at all. I was just wanting to know more about it. Thanks everybody for your help
If done when the duckling or goose is a day or two old there is little to no blood. I wouldn't recommend pinioning older birds because they will bleed a lot. I pinion all my muscovies, all my wild geese, and some of the wild ducks as one day olds. As soon as the procedure is done the little guys go back to acting like nothing ever happened.

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