Daily Duck Egg Report for 2015

Well call ducks are sooo hard to hatch and with my bad incubator I didnt get any to hatch. Gave about 10 to a school teacher. Will see if he hatched those. He really is being irresponsible with them and doesnt care about humidity, temp, etc. So I think I am going to have to take the eggs back if he doesnt get his game together.
Aww that's too bad you didn't hatch any. And about the teacher too.
You should take a pic when you have gathered the different colors I'd like to see them. I wonder if Snow has a little goose in her since she honks some lol
Request granted. Last Sunday we had given every last egg away. This week we ate 8 eggs. We just pick them up an wash them when we use them to keep the natural coating on them. Time to start giving them away again...

I think snow is a little goose. She's white, at 11 lbs she is 1/2 - 3/4 the size of a goose. She will stand up to me and would push me around if I let her. She is definitely more analytical than the rest of the ducks. Most of the ducks I can follow their thoughts to "if this, then this". Snow seems to think "if this, then this which in turn means this". I don't know if that makes any sense, but she is most certainly the smart one. The honking is only done by 3 duck types in my flock. My WH has the highest honk, my Swedish have a significantly lower honk, and Snow honks very low... about like a goose. Runners have their special hyper-chatter. And all the ducks chatter and occasionally quack. And of course the drakes have their ridiculous kazoo quack.

BTW, I did find an egg in the yard later today under the chair I usually sit in which brings today in at 8 eggs.
My Muscovy's use to start back in march but seems the last couple years it's earlier so you never know any more. So far just one of mine though. and I have 9 girls. Chicken took a long break this year too. Oct - last of Jan.
Thank you! I really had no idea, so I had been searching the yard daily for eggs. Now I can calm down and only look here and there until next month. Wow your chicken/s took a LONG break! During the worst and darkest of winter I was only consistently getting eggs from my white leghorns and red stars, both production breeds of course!

I am blown away that Ruth Ann is still laying eggs at 8 years old! Is this normal? Do ducks lay longer and at an older age than chickens?

Congrats Ruth Ann, you go ducky girl!
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Request granted. Last Sunday we had given every last egg away. This week we ate 8 eggs. We just pick them up an wash them when we use them to keep the natural coating on them. Time to start giving them away again...

I think snow is a little goose. She's white, at 11 lbs she is 1/2 - 3/4 the size of a goose. She will stand up to me and would push me around if I let her. She is definitely more analytical than the rest of the ducks. Most of the ducks I can follow their thoughts to "if this, then this". Snow seems to think "if this, then this which in turn means this". I don't know if that makes any sense, but she is most certainly the smart one. The honking is only done by 3 duck types in my flock. My WH has the highest honk, my Swedish have a significantly lower honk, and Snow honks very low... about like a goose. Runners have their special hyper-chatter. And all the ducks chatter and occasionally quack. And of course the drakes have their ridiculous kazoo quack.

BTW, I did find an egg in the yard later today under the chair I usually sit in which brings today in at 8 eggs.
Very pretty eggs, You know having Muscovy's and very seldom hearing anyone quack, usually if they do it means someone has been grabbed., I really don't know the vocabulary of ducks. sounds very interesting. Now we need a live video with sound. lol
Snow sounds like a character. Kazoo? that's what young roosters sound like to when first learning to crow.
Thank you! I really had no idea, so I had been searching the yard daily for eggs. Now I can calm down and only look here and there until next month. Wow your chicken/s took a LONG break! During the worst and darkest of winter I was only consistently getting eggs from my white leghorns and red stars, both production breeds of course!

I am blown away that Ruth Ann is still laying eggs at 8 years old! Is this normal? Do ducks lay longer and at an older age than chickens?

Congrats Ruth Ann, you go ducky girl!
My chickens are EE's and BA's and 2 Bantams these are my layers. I have 2 hens that are in menopause lol they don't lay anymore.

I also have 2 ducks that are pushing 11 yrs old this July and both of those girls laid at least 2 eggs apiece last year. one even went broody and Ruth Ann went broody too, I just don't have the space for more ducks or they would have hatched. My ducks have laid longer than my 2 hens one hen is going on 6 the other is 7.
We have one Muscovy girl in with our chickens. This is our first duck and she was unexpected. She was hatched and then abandoned and a coworker knew I had just done a chicken hatch so she brought her to me. She is from an August hatch. My chicks have begun laying but no duck egg yet. Once she begins, can I expect her to be an every day/every other day layer? I know nothing about ducks. Thanks
Very pretty eggs, You know having Muscovy's and very seldom hearing anyone quack, usually if they do it means someone has been grabbed., I really don't know the vocabulary of ducks. sounds very interesting. Now we need a live video with sound. lol
Snow sounds like a character. Kazoo? that's what young roosters sound like to when first learning to crow.

Thank you on behalf of my girls. I understood Muscovys were pretty quiet. Actually our ducks are pretty quiet other than the low level chatter. A couple times / day our spokesduck (a term I got from @Amiga which is incredibly perfect - first it was Tella when we only had the two ducks, it was passed to Dove when the flock became dominate, and is now Mystique) will quack 3 times. Usually that is first thing when they get out of the house and various times when they are aware of us: walking to the gate, pulling in the driveway (even though it is quite far away from them) and even when they hear us talk when we are inside the house and they happen to be close to the house and can hear us. When there is a potential predator (the only thing we see during the day is a cat or deer outside the fence) it is usually Kaine who will repeatedly sound the alarm of two kazoo blasts over and over and then he will charge to where the cat is and the rest of the flock will follow until the cat or deer leave. So I guess I need to put together a duckumentary on the sounds.

Oh, and to be on topic, 8 eggs this morning, don't yet know if we get the late egg
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Thank you on behalf of my girls. I understood Muscovys were pretty quiet. Actually our ducks are pretty quiet other than the low level chatter. A couple times / day our spokesduck (a term I got from @Amiga which is incredibly perfect - first it was Tella when we only had the two ducks, it was passed to Dove when the flock became dominate, and is now Mystique) will quack 3 times. Usually that is first thing when they get out of the house and various times when they are aware of us: walking to the gate, pulling in the driveway (even though it is quite far away from them) and even when they hear us talk when we are inside the house and they happen to be close to the house and can hear us. When there is a potential predator (the only thing we see during the day is a cat or deer outside the fence) it is usually Kaine who will repeatedly sound the alarm of two kazoo blasts over and over and then he will charge to where the cat is and the rest of the flock will follow until the cat or deer leave. So I guess I need to put together a duckumentary on the sounds.

Oh, and to be on topic, 8 eggs this morning, don't yet know if we get the late egg
Yes a duckumentary of duck sounds and what they mean. lol

8 eggs congrats..

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