Daily Duck Egg Report for 2015

Egg salad.

Great idea!
Found an egg yesterday while out tending the birds. Hopefully the Khakis are back from their egg laying vacation!! Much interest around the nest boxes again, though this egg was at the corner of the porch...
Fingers are crossed! Dying for duck egg breakfast sandwiches again!!
Rocky took a day off last week but has been back to laying an egg a day for the last few days. I'm hoping my other girls will start laying soon. When have y'all noticed your girls have started laying? I know 20 weeks is normal just wondering what people have actually noticed.
It looks lovely but where are the pictures I thought for sure there'd be pics of Sugar Momma and Daddy on the walls.

Are you kidding! So far in my experience ducks will go to great lengths to injure or kill themselves. Every morning they try to stampede 13 abreast through a door that can only fit one.
I am sure that if I put up pictures, they would jump up and peck the bottom of the frame until it came tumbling down on another one's head. Then they would peck the glass until it broke and eat all the shards. I would come out one day after decorating and find a blood bath.
Nope... Padded cell for the turd birds.
Are you kidding! So far in my experience ducks will go to great lengths to injure or kill themselves. Every morning they try to stampede 13 abreast through a door that can only fit one.
I am sure that if I put up pictures, they would jump up and peck the bottom of the frame until it came tumbling down on another one's head. Then they would peck the glass until it broke and eat all the shards. I would come out one day after decorating and find a blood bath.
Nope... Padded cell for the turd birds.
Padded cell it is then. lol I have even seen 3 mini dachshunds try to go through a doggie door meant for one at a time. That's pretty funny looking too.
I'm new to keeping ducks. I currently have muscovy and would like to have some mallards derivatives. Any ideas about companies that export overseas?
Nice place to be!
My babies are laying again! Celebratory happy dance!! I'm sure it's Lily (the oldest of the bunch and a pekin), hopefully she shows everyone else it's warm enough to start again! And somebody's moulting...yeesh! It looks like someone killed a duck in my backyard right now. Lol

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