Damp Moist Wall In My Chicken Room

It's been raining since 4 days continuously I have indoor chickens they live in my bedroom with me and currently the wall is completely damp and there's some musky earthy smell . Pain is peeling off we will re-paint the wall once it's completely dried .
I want to ask that it's safe for chickens? Because they live in this room I open all the windows for ventilation
Never mind the chooks,you shouldn’t sleep in a damp room
I honestly don't think chickens are meant to be house pets. I did start some chicks in a tote in an enclosed sunroom one spring that was unusually bad weather and although we didn't end up with a damp wall or anything like that (which sounds unhealthy for both you and the birds), chicks make a lot of dander, which isn't healthy, and still smell, even if you change the bedding frequently. Even an incubator creates some smell. I love poultry and farm animals in general, but they belong outdoors. The same goes for rabbits, which I also like. I frankly feel that if you want any animals indoors, get an aquarium. But I admit that that's my opinion. I would definitely not want a damp wall and a musky smell anywhere inside my home.
i might ask why the chickens need to live in your bedroom? That doesn’t sound that healthy. But a better question is why isn’t anyone fixing the leak? It doesn’t sound like it has been attended to. If your walls are that wet you undoubtedly will or already have mold. Painting the walls after they dry will not fix the problem - you’ll just be painting over it (pun intended).
My new chicks spend a week in my bedroom then it's off to the henhouse!! It's always fun for a few days! This old house is hard enough to keep clean without a flock of barnyard chickens running around inside!! Besides, my cats wouldn't approve!
You all may want to read the whole thread. The OP already got her problem solved, and everyone's is just relaying their opinion about whether keeping chickens indoors is "okay" or not.

I know that when people have a very different way of thinking, a completely different set of possibilities are available. Why couldn't someone train a chicken to defecate in one place? If you know how and train them from birth, I am sure it is possible. Look at how smart they already are. I think everyone keeps picturing their chickens living with her, but her birds are totally different.

There isn't a leak in her house. They had heavy rain for 4 days, and the water was accumulating on the walls with the humidity of India. The same thing will happen to us in the North East USA (not as bad though). You just do the best you can, and I'll bet dwellings in India have this in mind when being built.

I thought this was so cool to hear about how people in another country interact with chickens. Try not to be too ethnocentric people, it looks bad.
I had my Batam Silkie in a room in doors until they were mature enough and the weather warm enough for them to be outside. Now they run in the back door every chance they get. LOL.
just like indoor birds feces can be managed easily.
I am sorry about your house. I wonder if your roof is leaking.
I dont know. If it is even safe for you or the Chickens to live in a damp musty area. Some repair is definately required if this is happening to your home. Hire someone to fix this issue. Take care of yourself and your babies.

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