Dark Brahma Hen or Rooster


5 Years
Jun 27, 2014

I have a four month old dark brahma that was supposed to be a hen, but I've suspected he was a cockerel for some time. But I want to be certain before I have to let him or one of the other roosters go, please help.


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At four months, I would guess pullet. You can ask here and you'll probably get lots more responses! https://www.backyardchickens.com/f/15/what-breed-or-gender-is-this
Welcome to BYC. 85 % certain that he is a cockerel. Wait a bit (until feathering becomes more evident) before culling him.
Hi jpoe001 and

That looks like a boy. Brahmas age slowly so it can take some time to be sure, but by now I am seeing a black breast, white back and large pea comb= boy. Girls look more grey from a distance and if you zoom in on the feathers they will be a steel grey with very distinct pencilings (lines or bands or rings of black around and inside the feather base color) and are rather uniformly colored except for the hackle/neck which appear more of a white and black penciled.

I have never had a Brahma roo, but the ladies are super friendly and very sweet!
He is 100% dark brahma cockerel. Females and male brahmas have very different patterns and his all male!

Here is a female at around the same age as your male


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