Dark Egg Breeds Thread

Thank you Sewandgrow and Cowgirl!

Sew~ I will include OE's for you if the girls are laying. Suddenly no eggs, last egg was the beginning of last week. But I did just move 2 girls out and 2 new girls in so maybe they are just mad at me right now.
on a scale of 1-4, 1 being lightest and 4 darkest who lays what? Marans, Wellsummers, Pendesenca, Empordanesa.
Are there any others and of those like marans is there a variety that is darker than others?
It might be in this thread but I haven't found it.
IMO, Son from dark egg back to mother from dark egg and father from dark egg to fathers daughter from dark egg, did that even make sense?

I can only speak of Welsummers and Marans. Welsummers being lighter than a Marans, sorry can't put a number to it for you.
Thank you, yes it makes sense

BTW I am totally jealous of your lavender ameraucanas eggs!
I am debating on setting some KWest eggs today. I was hoping one of the hens would go broody but now there's 5 eggs and they aren't sooo...
I have a few of Bellas eggs I could throw in the bator too but they would be Blue marans x bl copper marans LOL. I am still letting her keep my poor crippled bl copper boy company for the winter. I also have two pure silver phx eggs..hmmm decisions decisions.
Ha, I know what you mean. My BCM were laying fine then I moved everybody around to their prospective pens for the upcoming season and and not one egg for 2 weeks!

Also, been meaning to ask you if you have heard of the roosters fertility being affected by an injured comb. I thought I had read somewhere that fertility can be linked to comb health. Anyone else heard that?
I haven't heard of that and lord no my roos were fighting alot last spring because I had too many in the pen. Combs were definitely injured lol. Babies were made all over the place the hens wouldn't stop going broody... Maybe if a comb was seriously half cut off or something it could cause a drop in fertility because of the body's use of food protein etc is directed towards healing just like when hens quit laying during growing feathers back etc.
Yes of course, milk products make sense because they're mammals. I guess that is what Whey is. I'm just saying that pelleted or processed foods designed for equines might not be suitable for any avian species unless the manufacturer specifically states it.

Eggs huh? ahahhaha My younger mare will definitely eat anything that is mixed in with something sweet
. She's used to that because of the molasses and peppermint cookies and LMF feed I give her. Of course, it does really help when I need to get some nasty tasting meds down them.
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