Darn you Atwoods! Two new chicks that need identification.

Flying Feathers

In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 2, 2013
Hi all. Went to Atwoods for some chick feed and came home with three new babies to add to my flock.
No clue what they are so I'm asking for some help. I'm only posting two since the third one was not willing to sit for a pic. Any help would be welcome.

This is Cleo. Super shy and very regal when she walks.

Another shot of Cleo.

Blurry head shot - sorry.

Cleo's wing pattern. I'm guessing she's about 4 weeks old.


This chick has no name yet. Gotta wait and see what fits him/her.

A very small bird.

Wing pattern.

Thanks so much for all of your help. I only started on my chicken adventure last year and this is my first time with banties.
Anybody have a clue? Cleo stands so pretty...I'm dying to know what she is. Oh and could the second possibly be a Black Andalusian? I was looking at Feathersite and saw a chick that looked just like it.
I'm not sure about the breeds, if they are bantam I'm less sure. Cleo looks like a Welsummer pullet, but the way it's standing is reminding me of a cockerel. Don't know about the other one.

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