Darned chickens! Won't eat Veggies


12 Years
Aug 10, 2007
Redding, Ca.
They won't eat their veggies. I originally got the chickens to take care of the waste from the vegetable garden.

Ha! They won't eat lettuce, sprouts, spinach, celery, carrot tops, broccoli, or anything like it. I even steamed the pea pods and broccoli stems last night. Nada, they root through it and then wipe their beaks in the dirt, LOL.

Now, give them corned beef and cabbage and they have a ball.
What's up with this? Anybody else have chickens like mine?

They love fruit and yogurt and bread and love steak, salmon or pork chops.

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Ellie, try steaming (or nuking) the things they like together with the things you want them to eat.

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Mine love fruit, especially tomatoes. As far as greens they love what we call cheese weed and morning glory.
Maybe you can eat the veggies in front of them and then they'll want it because you're eating it. Hey that's how dogs are right!
Chick-Chick seems to like to munch on cabbage if it's clipped up in her cage. She has recently fallen in mad love with watermelon and bread. She also likes our cockatiel's food lol...

She doesn't seem to like spinach or anything else either but I'm still trying!
How old are they? My chickens have become increasingly less picky with age. I have some six week old chicks who won't even eat strawberries! But my big old girls will give anything a try.
Mine eat pretty much anything. They attack fresh raw green anything furiously.

Try giving the veg trimming raw. The taste does change when cooked.
Well, ours most definitely prefer any sort of protein, but they WILL eat veggies too. if I bring a mixed plate of food they'll root through and eat the bmeat/fish/egg first, but eventually clean up the rest. I find that if I hold it in my hands for them, they're more likely to try it, see it's good, and then keep eating what's on the plate.
Thanks for the replies. Miss Prissy, I only steamed it because they wouldn't eat it raw.

pattycake, they are adults now.. well, 9 months old.

I guess I should be glad they like weeds, lol. But, I am going to have a lot of left overs from the garden.

That is a good idea, to stick it in their morning yogurt. Hey, maybe if I made a sandwich out if it, they would eat it, LOL. Just kidding there.


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