Daughter screaming from her room...spider in her bed.

I was staying in my RV at a worksite and started having problems with ants and roaches moving in on me. Then the spiders moved in and took care of them, I liked that. All the move in spiders were the little cobweb ones and didn't bother me or anything. Then one night as I was falling asleep in the dark, I felt what seemed like "ghost fingers" brush across the hairs of my arm. That bothered me enough to turn on the light and look around-------nothing. A couple days later I did find a huntsman spider like the one EmtheFishLady posted trapped in my sink------was the "ghost fingers" the spider? I kinda think so.
I love spiders! Hubby hates them - about beats himself half to death trying to get away from them! Our son has two tarantulas as pets - Charlotte and Fang! Here are two legends about spiders and their webs that are heartwarming!

A Ukrainian Christmas tree has a spider and web for good luck. Legend has it that a poor woman with nothing to put on her children's tree woke on Christmas morning to find the branches covered with spider webs turned to silver by the rising sun.

Another story comes from Germany about spiders and Christmas trees. Long ago families allowed their animals to come inside and view the Christmas trees on Christmas Eve. Because the Christ Child was born in a stable, they felt that the animals should take part in the Christmas celebration. But spiders weren’t allowed because housewives didn't want cobwebs all over everything. of course the spiders were unhappy about this, so one year they complained to the Christ Child. He felt sorry for them and decided that late at night He would let them in to see the trees. The excited spiders loved the Christmas trees and all night long they crawled about in the branches, leaving them covered with webs. On Christmas morning the housewives saw what the spiders had done. But instead of being angry, they were delighted. For in the night the Christ Child had turned all of the cobwebs into sparkling tinsel. And even today, tinsel is often used to decorate Christmas trees to add that same sparkle the Christ Child gave the cobwebs long ago, in Germany.
The spiders in Christmas trees happened to me about 20 years ago. Had a nest hatch and the baby spiders covered the tree with webs. I never did see them anywhere except the tree. (It would have been so gone if they had swarmed the house). I had to wash all the ornaments before putting them away. That was kind of creepy cause I could see the baby spiders crawling around. It was a very pretty but weird, look to the tree.

Oh my gosh, I laughed so hard when I saw this! My daughter who absolutely HATES spiders looked and was going hyper and saying "Put it away! Put it away!"

For me, spiders are constant companions in my job. There have been thousands of times while opening mailboxes that they fling right in the car with me. My kids dubbed my car Spidercar.
I hate spiders, one time camping at East Harbor state park in Ohio as a kid, I screamed in shower. My mom who was next stall over said, " what's wrong" I said "ooh, look at that ugly spider". My mom said that spider is telling her mom"ooh, look at that ugly kid!". I still laugh as I remember that, my mom looked much more delicate than she was, a rather hardy camper!

Edited to add, my uncle wrecked his MG (gorgeous car) trying to swat at a spider. He was ok, MG not so much.
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Wow Imp - you're lucky to have had a tree with such "ornaments"! All I ever had was a "Christmas mouse" in a Christmas tree one year! 'Bout drove the cats batty and the tree almost came down much faster than it went up!!
We have black widows on steroids here. They get HUGE! They give me the heebie jeebies.

Hate spiders, but I have a good reason. I've been bitten by some (thankfully not black widows) and I get blood poisoning from the bite. So something in their saliva/venom doesn't agree with me.

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