Day 19 and Accidentally Left Egg Turners In


May 21, 2015
Hello BYC members. It is currently midway through day 19 of incubation with an assortment of mixed eggs I received through postage. Half of the eggs are in a Brinsea Mini Advance Incubator, whilst the others reside in an incuview. For some reason unbeknownst to me, I neglected to remove the egg turners yesterday(Day 18), though remembered to shut them off and to increase the humidity. Do you believe it would wisest to leave the eggs situated in the turners now, or should I quickly remove them and reset the eggs? Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I think you would still be fine to remove the egg Turner. Unless you feel the style is safe for wobbly chicks. I wouldn't be able to leave mine in even turn off it high of a chance they could get hurt.

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