Day 20 and No pip :(

Thank you! Today is day 21..... No pips yet :( still hard thinking all this time your gonna have Chickie's than Nada happens!! Lol
It is hard. We’ve all been there one way or another. The first hatch with an incubator can be really rough because of the unknowns and your expectations. If things don’t go perfectly you are worried that you did something wrong.

I had some eggs pipping when I went into lockdown. It took a few hatches to get the incubator tweaked to where most of the eggs now hatch around Day 21 instead of Day 19. Still, under a broody or in my incubator I occasionally get eggs hatching as much as two day early. If it were in my incubator only I’d think there was something wrong, but it happens under a broody hen too. I figure if the chicks hatch within 24 hours either way of the ideal time they were right on time.

Some hatches are over within 24 hours or less of the first one pipping. Some hatched stretch out more than two full days. In one hatch last year one chick hatched out more than 24 hours before any other egg had even pipped. Then the next sixteen chicks all hatched within less than 18 hours. Each hatch is unique.

None of us can give you any guarantees about what will happen with a hatch, but you saw movement. You are doing something right, so as hard as it is, be patient.

Good luck!
After what day do I open and see what's wrong or went wrong? My son is so excited and if none of my eggs hatch I'm gonna go to tsc and get him 4-5,chicks and a few duckies lol..he's just waiting for them to hatch so bad and idk what to tell him lol I said they are on Chicky time not our time lol I see no pip and hear nothing and my eggs haven't moved.
Also these were the first two to hatch so I'm hoping for more I got nada on day 21 and 22 I must have been running cooler than the thermometer said. ..
Its day 21 and I pulled them out to candle and most have good air cells and have almost the entire egg taken up but I see no movement in any of inner pips either... I'm sad

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