Day 20 and No pip :(

I'll wait till day 23 or so...I don't know if I should open them when none hatch or just throw them away...i don't know if I can see dead chicks. That's so sad
Give them a bit longer and sit on your hands! I know it's nerve wrecking, waiting for the chicks to start hatching, but as I and some members above said, sometimes they are "on time" (day 21), sometimes they are a bit late. All you can do is wait. They will hatch when they decide they are ready to hatch.

It's only just day 21 by you, so you should start seeing some action in the next 24 hours, provided the incubator conditions were optimal. Keep us posted.
Sounds is day 22. All 8 of my eggs were full and had chicks but I saw no movement and I know my aircells looked good.all air cells were at the at end as well. I also know that a guy had 4 eggs of mine and he has a industrial bator and so far only 1 hatched and his day 21 was Thursday and this one hatched Sunday.. So was 3 days after day 21, I'll give them a few more days. I still see no pips
I have never seen movement, seldom see eggs wiggle, and have had hatches where iI never heard a peep until the eggs start hatching. But I never touch the eggs - or open the incubator - after day 17, there is a risk of affecting your hatch.
I did the water test and no eggs moved :( I'm so sad. Today is the end of day 22....should I continue to wait??
Today is day 23 no pips and no movement ..I candled this am and some I see veins still and one I can see the chicks head is at the aircell but no movement at all I got a few pics I'll post in a min
Still nothing. I opened 3 and they smelt aweful and they were dead and fluid was in the sack...I think they are all dead :(

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