Day 21 - No chicks hatching out or peeping or chirping or moving! Help

Thanks for the replies.

Yes, I have shone a bright light and I see no movement.

As of half and hour ago, it is now Day 22.

What should I do?

Anyone have anymore theories like the one pgpoultry had on how to test the egg to see if it is still alive?
i heard not to put in water or spray water cause the bacteria could harm them.?? not sure now

when you say shine a light in, my diy incubator is lit up like a christmas tree already lolol the bulbs are 12" above the eggs
is this going to harm my chicks when they hatch?

or do you say that cause you are using a forced air where the lights are in a seperate compartment

i can add a false ceiling i think that will block light to the eggs a little if that is better.

I have a small basket for the chicks to hatch into its around 3" high they wont be able to get over the edge will they lol else they risk drowning in my water reservoir lol to increase humidity i have to flood the base of my coolbox and add cloths etc
I sure hope that they hatch for you and am not sure if light shining through eggs is going to harm them or not but it hasn't so far harmed any of my eggs.
I usually shine a bright light to candle them.
oh no....
Better luck next time...

I've had lots of chicks hatch on day 22 and some on day 23.

If none have pipped by day 23 you can start over.
Even with temps holding I've had 2 = 25 day hatches during this summer. Also a 23 day hatch. Last 3 were 20 days and then 2 21days. Chicks come when they want.
Oh and my best hatch was one where I had to leave overnight. I was panicked. 100%......go figure
My last hatch I counted wrong and went into lockdown on day 21 and not day 18 they were in the egg turner until a couple of hours before they hatched. The next morning 32 out of 36 hatched. It was awful crowded in the bator that morning. I didn't even have the brooder box ready. Chicks can take a little bit more abuse than we think then can.

Wheather you watch and worry or leave them alone and let them do ther thing they are going to hatch or not going to hatch. Worrying won't change anything.

Just breathe and relax.

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