Day 22 - Nothing :(

One another thing. I have placed my Hygrometers into a ziplock bag for a salt test. They've been in the bag about 4 hours now and two are both reading 77%, the other 60% (the 60% one is the one I thought was the most accurate :/

I will leave them in there until tomorrow.
From what I could tell in the 4+ minute video, I believe all 4 have quit. Especially the 2 with the large clear areas. When one quits late, the blood vessels recede and you end up with those clear spaces around the chick.

The ones that seem to change, I believe, are shifting each time you rotate the egg because it's now kinda loose inside there, and your turning is what is causing it to look like its changing. Then it settles in a different spot when you lay the egg back down.

When i candle late, I prefer to hold the egg still and move the light around the egg, instead of rotating the egg.

Also, right before they hatch, the whole air cell will shift and "draw down" into the fat end of the egg as the chick gets into hatching position. I do not see any of that in your pictures.
This is one that had drawn down and internally pipped, and hatched a short time after i took this picture. Notice how the air cell is misshapen.
yeh, I get the thing about the chicks movement because of my handling. The thing is, it doesn't move or change in front of me, it changes only from day to day. I feel it should move in front of me as well if it's going to move after I set it down.

However, One eggs contents is starting to move now because of my handling. Although I am pretty gentle. The one that does have inertial movement also appears to have two small gas bubbles under the shell. Approx 3mm x 5mm in an oval kind of shape. They have not always been there. I first noticed them about 7 days ago.

So the above actually helps me find more hope for that one very developed egg.

I think I observed veins receding very early, like day 14 or something, but only in one egg back then. Then later in another one or two of them, but not the most developed one.

Everything basically seemed ok with that one egg with the exception being massively overdue and zero movements in any of the tests. including a 6 hour long time-lapse video, water candling, torch candling, tapping/listening. Jury still out on the Piezo Audio recording. Boy, I wish I had one of those Egg Buddy monitor doobalackies.

I will still go until tomorrow, about another 24 hours from now. Just in case.

I have now hooked up a piezo transducer (Buzzer) from a Smoke Detector/Alarm. They can make good microphones for certain things.

I made a recording, and after filtering out the fan noise and maximizing the volume I think I hear both movement and an insanely fast heartbeat (although irregular) in the most developed egg.

The problem is I can not find an audio recording anywhere to compare it to. I would have thought high schools would have done it let alone university's but if it's there I cant find it. I will have to have a deeper look.

The only comparison I can make is a 300 BPM Drum Beat. Apparently, Chicken Egg Embryo Heart Rate can be from 250 to 315 BPM.

If anyone here knows where there is an audio recording of a chicken embryo heartbeat please let me know. In fact, any bird egg will be better than nothing.

When we listen to a human heartbeat if everything is normal it's pretty steady. Are Chicken Embryos the same, but faster? or are they more erratic as well as faster. Because in my audio recording this 300 BPM sound I can hear is not perfect, its kind of intermittent sometimes to, but that may just be other sounds interfering or even some of the filters I have used have messed with its volume. I'm appealing to anyone here who has even heard a chick heartbeat, not necessarily recorded one. Apparently many people have listened using a stethoscope. I don't have one. So I did the Audio recording as the next best option. So yeh. Drop me a post if you can tell me how perfect the spacing between audible beats of a Chicken Embryo heartbeat are or are not?!?!?

Thank you so much. Everyone!
Well so much for my microphone. I don't know what I was hearing, it was not a chick. I talked with my wife and we agreed we would end it now and do an eggtopsy. The secondary reason was that if it was still alive it may need help. Its day 25, while I never could guarantee the Humidity, temperatures were on the cool side of normal. We have other eggs that are fast approaching their "Set By Date"

I have made a video of the eggtopsy and I will post it later. I'm just gonna go have a cuppa tea and recover a little.

Eggtopsy's are good. I see that now. For some reason, it looks far more gross on camera than it does in real life. There was Zero Smell, I even nosed it a little to see.

I can see that there is little to no yolk left, everything seems perfect and in its place. The chicks orientation seemed right, but it had NOT done an internal pip. The shadow I was observing within the air cell, amazingly, was bunched up shrink wrapping. I think.

again tho, I know nothing about this so I'm just guessing. I will have to upload the video so that you more experienced persons can give it a look over.

Based on the last movement I ever saw, I think he/she may have died between day 17/8. We accidentally locked them down on day 17. On day 18 we saw no movement and we never saw any ever again.

The chick appeared to have like a weak Rigor Mortis . Is that normal? Its legs were very stiff. It's neck not so much, but still far from floppy.

Did I mention there was no smell?

Thanks again everyone for your help and wisdom. I'll be back soon
WV Duck Chick. Thank you for your post. They are all dead. Fore Sure. The very most developed one, the one I have mostly posted viodeo of did have the features you are speaking of, but to a much lesser degree, and no internal pip :( I have to wait and see what you guys all think when I post the eggtopsy video, but I think we may have shrink wrapped them :( :( :(
Agree with JaeG. Too many possibilities to guess.

One thing about the "shrinkwrapping"... Once they have died and the oxygen exchange stops, the membrane will collapse somewhat, especially if it's a well-developed chick, and will also dry out more, giving the effect of shrink wrapping when it's really just the gradual decline of the structure.

I've done quite a few eggtopsies and done lots of live assists (call ducklings and serama chicks often need help) so i will be very interested to see your video..

I'm very sorry for your losses. You can never say you didn't try everything within your power. You have gone above and beyond!

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