Day 23- Three Chicks so far - Advice wanted. =


11 Years
Dec 10, 2008
Camas, WA, USA
I started eggs three weeks ago Sunday night and Monday morning.

Last night, there were no signs of activity, no pips. I've been very uncertain of the hatch with the unpredictable temperatures in my incubator and possibly with my thermometers.

This morning, the incubator still looked uneventful - except for one chick had already hatched! My two year old and seven year old daughters were giddy with excitement to see the little baby bird. It's resting a lot, but has also traveled around the incubator on top of the other eggs.

I am away at work now and don't know if more will happen till I can check this evening. There are 31 other eggs from the 48 I started with. There were no other eggs pipped, rocking, or chirping, but of course I didn't see any warning signs with this first one, so anything can happen.
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YAY, congrats! That's so exciting! I'm currently awaiting my eggs to hatch, they are wiggling and bouncing but still no pips! I thought I heard chiriping last night but it was my chicks outside...*oops*
Still just one lonely chick out as of tonight. No signs of pips on the other eggs.

My incubator doesn't lend itself to the best photography.


The chick is cute and will react to people coming to see it.
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I have a similar issue. We have a very small incubator that only holds 3 eggs. This is our first time ever trying this. We are on day 21 and no signs at all. Although we have been candling throughout the process and have seen live chicks in the eggs. Now all I see is shadows because the egg is full besides the air space at the top.

The weather here in CA goes from 80's to 40's the inside temp changes frequently, and I cannot be sure the temp remained very consistent eventhough I check it many many times a day making adjustments. I am so nervous! How great that you have at least one chick! I am not sure we will have any!!!!

(and the kiddos who can't wait to see a chick!)
One chick pipped, zipped, and emerged all between 12:30 and 2pm PST.

It's much louder with two chicks.

The firstborn sure picks on the other one a lot. I think she has tried to go back into her egg after the treatment she was getting.
We now have three. A dark chick hatched while we were all at a doctor's office in late afternoon, I believe from egg 36 that had pipped yesterday morning.

My two year old daughter loves seeing the chicks. She sticks her sweet little fingers through the vent holes and then giggles with delight when the chicks peck at her finger.

No activity overnight.

Although I thought I saw a hairline fracture in one egg last night, I saw no signs of pips this morning.

There are 28 other eggs in there. These three, however, could be the only ones, or they could be the earliest of a rather late hatch.

This evening I will have to transfer some chicks to the brooder, since the first one has been there since Monday morning. I've been good and haven't opened the lid so far, but will have to open it briefly tonight.


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