Day 25 Chicken hatching issues

Just a quick note... in case you're looking for one online, the correct search term is "hygrometer" not "hydrometer" (which is an entirely different instrument).
Thanks so much- could have got into all sorts of trouble 😂😂
I am surprised you cannot find local hatching eggs in France, even if they are not the breed you desire. I think many people raise chickens (with a rooster) in the country in France, yes??

Do you know any local farmers or breeders (of anything) who would sell some hatching eggs? The ones with small operations would be more likely to sell eggs.

The Label Rouge farms and high-end probably maintain closed flocks.
Yes me too - you are right a lot of people keep chickens here and run them with a cockerel too. It’s very rural where I live and the nearest regular bird market is nearly 2 hours away. I asked some farmers that I know of locally who happen to be neighbours and one very kindly gave me some fertile eggs from his mixed flock. Some marans possibly some aracunas etc which are now under my broody hen and due in about 2 weeks. Another farmer I asked wasn’t happy about giving me eggs. He sells them locally and perhaps he didn’t want me raising my own chickens and. Or buying eggs from him? Not sure? So very mixed reactions. I have these last few weeks joined some French poultry groups and sellers sites which are useful but so far all of the ads I have been interested in have been a 3-4 hour round trip and I feel that this is just too much. A lot of the closed farms are currently shutting their sites and arranging pick up only - again the nearest I can find currently is 2 hours away! I have just found some silkies available which is one of the breeds I am interested in so fingers crossed 🤞🏻
Yes me too - you are right a lot of people keep chickens here and run them with a cockerel too. It’s very rural where I live and the nearest regular bird market is nearly 2 hours away. I asked some farmers that I know of locally who happen to be neighbours and one very kindly gave me some fertile eggs from his mixed flock. Some marans possibly some aracunas etc which are now under my broody hen and due in about 2 weeks. Another farmer I asked wasn’t happy about giving me eggs. He sells them locally and perhaps he didn’t want me raising my own chickens and. Or buying eggs from him? Not sure? So very mixed reactions. I have these last few weeks joined some French poultry groups and sellers sites which are useful but so far all of the ads I have been interested in have been a 3-4 hour round trip and I feel that this is just too much. A lot of the closed farms are currently shutting their sites and arranging pick up only - again the nearest I can find currently is 2 hours away! I have just found some silkies available which is one of the breeds I am interested in so fingers crossed 🤞🏻

I drove 12 hours round trip for my last batch of hatching eggs - less trouble then shipping! Seems extreme, but they were really beautiful dark chocolate Marans eggs that would have been hard to find unless I shipped from halfway (or more) across Canada. Out of 7 eggs, only one early quitter and one infertile - all five that made to lockdown hatched and are very healthy :)
I drove 12 hours round trip for my last batch of hatching eggs - less trouble then shipping! Seems extreme, but they were really beautiful dark chocolate Marans eggs that would have been hard to find unless I shipped from halfway (or more) across Canada. Out of 7 eggs, only one early quitter and one infertile - all five that made to lockdown hatched and are very healthy :)
It definitely sounds so much more successful if you can pick them up. Ironically I was given a beautiful dark chocolate maran egg by my neighbour so I’m hoping it will hatch. As restrictions start to ease here it may be easier to go further to find eggs. 5 healthy chicks sounds good to me!
Good luck with the Maran egg!! Marans are a lovely breed with beautiful eggs.

Do you have any broody hens? They are the BEST, at small scale!

Are there any Facebook groups (parlais Francais...) about chickens near you?

My chicken world is still around an hour away and not further.

Poulets au Paris? Chicks in Paris?? :) :)
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