Day 26 Nothing's happening... is this normal


11 Years
Nov 28, 2008
north haven, ct
My duck eggs are in lock down and it is day 26. I candled them at day 24 and got rid of two quitters, but the others looked okay. When do they start rocking or pipping? I am getting worried. Humidity is at 72% and temperature at 99. Is this okay? They are runners. I'm worried. Just keep staring at them. We should have a hatching site for ducks!
its fine sometimes they are late and they will be scattered out. I wouldn't look for anything until late on Day 27. I usually have ducklings hatching for 2 or even three days. its not uncommon at least for me. Just hang tight. You may be over reacting IMHO. that's just me.
Runners tend to take the longest of the Mallard derived breeds to hatch. My Runners frequently don't hatch until day 30 or even slightly over.
Four weeks ago I posted some runner eggs to a friend-and we both set 8 eggs the same day. They are due today. I have my incubator running a touch under temp - her a touch over. Her first one hatched two days ago- and not a peep from mine yet. I find mine usually hatch on day 29- some taking a little longer at times. ( taking even longer this time though!! )
sooo, now I have a problem with humidity.... I changed the water source and now it is spiking to 82% , should I open it up to reduce ir!!! there are two pipping with no change for the whole day
This is day 30 (started at 5pm tonight). I really had given up, but one egg that pipped three days ago is now cheeping and the hole is getting larger, but the membrane is still covering it. It's been 7 hours struggling in there. The membrane is kind of yellowish. Should I just let it do it's thing or is this a sign that the membrane is drying up? It sounds so cute, scared, pathetic.........I guess I just need to....get a glass of wine

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