Day 29 one duck hatched day 26--still see movement in eggs but no pipping!

I would love to hear more about what you did because you were obviously much more successful than I was! Although I had Indian Runners...

@WVduckchick the loner is still doing okay. Still awfully skittish, but he goes to live with the other ducklings tomorrow, so I hope that will be really good!
Unfortunately I got news this morning that it had died
They put it right in with the new ducklings and they all seemed to be doing fine. Then yesterday the loner started seeming tired and not walking well, they said it would walk a few steps then seem tired and sit down. They tried extra niacin and even molasses to get it to eat, but it ended up dying this morning.
Any idea what might have happened? I’m feeling really bummed because it was doing just fine with me, so I feel like maybe I made the wrong decision.
Hi I’m on day 26 with call ducks all lively when I lockdown , good air sack too , I’ve just hatch bantams in the same incubator , but not 100% sure how long a call ducks take , they are my own eggs , from healthy ducks , just wondered if everything is as it should be as I’ve not hatched calls before .humidity is at 80% a the mo thanks in advance just alittle worried x
Hi I’m on day 26 with call ducks all lively when I lockdown , good air sack too , I’ve just hatch bantams in the same incubator , but not 100% sure how long a call ducks take , they are my own eggs , from healthy ducks , just wondered if everything is as it should be as I’ve not hatched calls before .humidity is at 80% a the mo thanks in advance just alittle worried x

Calls generally hatch on day 26. But they can be quite challenging to hatch. Usually the smaller lines, with the super short and stubby bills can have a harder time hatching on their own. Do you know if yours are closer to show quality or pet quality?
I would candle them and look for movement, drawdown, and internal pips.
Thankyou , I’ve four eggs , three pipped but one has shell broken off but white membrane still intact , is the ok , or should there be a hole into the egg , I’m just st worried it’s going to run out of air , started last night at 6-30 , no more profess except a white me,Barnes showing , will lil fella be ok. I don’t want to interfere , but just would like to know he’s ok ! It was wibbling this morning , but still last few hours , my gut says it’s resting , just st making sure thanks in advance first timer call ducks so abit worried . To the question before , I’m not sure the drake was a rescue , they don’t seem to have very short bills thanks

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