Day 3 chicks outside and chick grit


May 3, 2021
DFW area Texas
Hello everyone!
I finally joined after a few weeks of just reading all the great info here. I incubated eggs for our first grade classes this year for science and now that we have hatched 4 chicks, I want to be sure I’m doing everything to keep them happy and healthy.
I’ve read a lot of when it’s ok to take them out for little field I took them out for a short time today in a safe enclosure with me nearby. It’s high of 90 here today and they seemed fine and happy to be in the yard. My question is—is it okay to take them out like that for short times to get used to outside and the benefits of the dirt and build up their little immune systems naturally? It’s already going to be pretty warm here in Texas so I’m not as worried about them being cold.
Secondly-they are eating bugs and other things while outside, and I put a clump of sod from outside in their indoor brooder to keep them entertained (I have one who likes to peck his one White Plymouth Rock sibling bc it’s different than the other Australorps). Do they need extra chick grit now? Or is their starter feed enough?
Thanks everyone! Excited to raise these littles to become the start of my backyard flock!


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Hi, welcome from Louisiana. Glad you joined.

is it okay to take them out like that for short times to get used to outside and the benefits of the dirt and build up their little immune systems naturally?
Yes. As far as I'm concerned the earlier the better. It's the way a broody hen does it.

they are eating bugs and other things while outside, and I put a clump of sod from outside in their indoor brooder to keep them entertained (I have one who likes to peck his one White Plymouth Rock sibling bc it’s different than the other Australorps). Do they need extra chick grit now?
If they have access to the ground they are getting their own grit from the soil. They should be getting grit from that sod too.

Or is their starter feed enough?
Their starter feed does not contain grit. It has already been ground up enough that they do not need grit to digest it. If you feel a need to buy grit you can but it should be unnecessary.

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