Day 4 Duck eggs.

Draga Devia

In the Brooder
6 Years
Sep 18, 2013
Hello everybody
My Name is Francesca!
I am very new here and new in incubating Eggs & I am trying to read and learn a lot so I will not make any mistakes.
I am trying to hatch Duck eggs since july but I just only had very bad luck ...
I had 2 Incubators that worked so bad they made my previous eggs die! One stopped working and the other one even reached 40 C for all night without me knowing it and it ''Cooked'' my eggs.. :(
Now I have an incubator that works pretty well but I had bad luck with the shipped eggs. Out of 15 Duck Eggs 10 arrived broken and of the other 5 eggs 4 had an air sac that was totally destroyed and had craks in it & I only have 1 left that started growing and it has a good air sac.
Now I am at what I call the end of day 4 but I cannot see any veins!

Everywhere on the internet on day 4 people see veins but i cannot see anything in there..
Here are 2 picutres of my egg:

I saw the pictures from the website 'Metzer Farms' and on day 4 it looked like mine!
Can it be that maybe my eggs is just 1 day late?

I thank you if you take your time to answer me.

Greetings from Germany
Hi there and :welcome! You might still be okay, especially if the temperature in your incubator is running a little low. I'm doing duck eggs too right now and it took me till day five to really start being able to see the embryos. Also, feel free to pop in over here. We hatch lots of ducklings and geese and there are a lot of really experienced hatchers who can help you out if you run into more trouble.
Hi there and
! You might still be okay, especially if the temperature in your incubator is running a little low. I'm doing duck eggs too right now and it took me till day five to really start being able to see the embryos. Also, feel free to pop in over here. We hatch lots of ducklings and geese and there are a lot of really experienced hatchers who can help you out if you run into more trouble.

Hi and thank you for your reply! I am happy to hear that I am not the only one :)
I checked again and I can see something grey inside but it's very hard to spot. I can see some 'lines' but I hope I am not seeing it just because I hope it's there so much!
Tomorrow I will candle again and I hope I will see something more...

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