Day Old Chick Can't Walk *pictures*


8 Years
Jul 25, 2011
It wont eat and it chirps all the time. I think its because its frustrated because it can't walk.. Eitehr that or because it is the only one who hatched, i have a mirror a stuffed animal and a mophead for it to hide in and it still tweets liek crazy.

Anyways its legs kind of hang forward and its stomach looks big maybe its legs or too weak? Maybe splayed legs? Take a look:

Those pics are VERY hard to see any details in. I recommend dropper feeding the babe some water with poly-vi-sol (no iron). I add a dropper full in 1/4 cup of water. Don't try to put the water into his mouth. but let a drop of the water touch his beak and he will take in it. Sometimes leg problems can be vitamin related.
Sorry i was out, I am using my old webcam so the quality isnt great. Polyvisol? I guess ill google it and see
Its not eating or drinking at all, its only been a day though i've heard that some dont eat till day 3

Most likely splayed leg. here is a link on how you can try to correct it. Good luck and keep us updated!
Get an eyedropper and drip a drop at a time onto the chick's beak. If you can't find poly-vi-sol at the drugstore, the feed store should have packets of sav-a-chick that you mix up a gallon at a time. If it won't take the drops, try putting the corner of a wash cloth into the vitamin water and place the cloth up to the chicks beak. Sometimes they will suck it out of the cloth better then drops till they gain some strength. Now for the possible splayed leg,the link by Asweet23 is a great place to go for info on splayed leg and treatment. I had a Brahma chick hatch 3 weeks ago that my husband wanted to put down. She had splayed leg and he didn't want her to suffer. She was a fighter! I used a wide bandage(band aid) and wrapped it around the little ones legs the width of the gauze on the pad. 2 days later that chick pulled it's feet apart to pop off the bandage and it has been running around non-stop since! Good luck with your baby. Keep us posted.

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