
In the Brooder
11 Years
Jun 29, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
++Second Update for those who are interested++ Well sadly I must report that this little chicky was found dead this a.m. in our coop. It had lived happily with its mamas for the last few days, growing bigger and eating and drinking just fine. The coop came open last night and this morning I found him dead in the little sleeping/nest area. I don't know if was too cold during the night or some other reason that might have finally just reached its conclusion. Thanks to everyone who helped me save him in the first place. His brothers and sisters are doing GREAT! Nature is so not rated PG.

** Update for those who are interested ** After this little chick warmed up inside for about 5 hours, he/she was up and moving around, chirpping like CRAZY and drinking some water. My instinct said he was ready to go back to the coop, so in the evening I took him out there and he ran to his mama, crawled right under her wing and stopped chirpping. This morning he was out with his brothers and sisters pecking for food in the run. YEAH! Thanks for all your help eveyrone.

Hi there - our hens have hatched five succwssful chicks so far but i found this little one outside the coop just now (it is about noon, here in New Mexico). I don't know how it got there, but it was just laying flat out on the ground among the straw and wasn't moving. I thought it was dead till i picked it up and it opened its mouth a little bit. i brought it in, put in under a heat lamp (250 watt infared lamp borrowed from a friend) about 20 inches from the chick. AndI gave it some water drops. it can't be more than 24 hours old - so I don't know if he's not moving because he's just young, or if he's sick or got too cold outside or what?! It is about 40 degrees outside now and he was in the direct sunlight. I checked his butt for pasty poop and didn't see anything. I think I saw some sort of umbilical cord area. He occasionally opens his mouth like he is gasping, but he isn't making any sound. PLEASE HELP! I'D LIKE TO SAVE IT IF I CAN!


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Make sure he doesn't get too hot. Put a thermometer near him to make sure since he can't actually get up and move if it's too warm. Could have been anything from being chilled, to mom knew something was wrong, to failure to thrive. Best of luck. If it's a new born, don't worry about feeding for the first 72 hrs after you think it hatched, as force feeding can often be worse if the bird isn't there enough to swallow.
Here's a technique I have used many times when I've found little ones that are badly chilled:

Take a dry washcloth or small rag and warm it (over a stove, whatever source of heat you have--be careful not to catch it on fire) almost to the point of being hot (but not quite!), then wrap the little one gently in the warm cloth and hold him firmly but gently. As the cloth cools, rewarm it. Eventually, you can place the little one in the brooder wrapped in the cloth. You'll know when, because he'll show signs of revival. I've done this many times, and it's the best way I know of to get some heat back into those chilled little bodies--good luck.
Well he's starting to move and making some chirps. I'm thinking maybe he isn't sick, just really really young. But how did he get outside the coop if he is just now starting to try to stand? I'm contemplating putting him back in the coop with his mamas, but maybe I should just keep him inside. Thoughts?

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