Day old Chicks!!: 40+ breeds available: English Orpingtons, Auto Sexing Breeds, Partridge Brahmas,

So who's laying so far?
Egg update for the day and currently laying thus far list:

Still confirming fertility on most pens. Starred pens (*) are confirmed with good fertility! Plus pens (+) are showing a trend toward good fertility. No mark means untested OR not fertile but laying.

Codes are just for me so I know which pens I'm talking about or if you have hatching eggs from me.

Currently laying:
*Easter eggers
*Mottled Project Orp pens
+Cream Legbars (CL)
+Cream Legbars (CL2)
White Orpingtons
*Tolbunt Polish
+Light Sussex
Jubilee Orpington
*Lavender Orpington
Red Orpington (RO)
Autosexing OE (R2)
*BBS Orpingtons
*Chocolate Cuckoo Orpington pen
*Frizzled EE project pen
Blue Cuckoo (08)
Red Cuckoo project (06)
Black Sex Linked Orp pen (04)
*Columbian Project Orp pen
*Mottled/Spangled Orpingtons (Mot)
+Mottled/Spangled Orpingtons (M or M4)
*Black Copper Marans
*Chocolate Orpington/Black Split (C)
*Blue silkies
*Project sizzles (siz)
*BBS sizzles (PS)
*White/paint silkies
*Combined silkie, sizzle, frilkie fun bantam pens
OEs (non sex linked), dark olive egg
+Silver laced orps
Lavender Marans project (black copper split to lav)

NEW LAYERS in the last few days:
buff silkie/sizzle pen
blue jubilee
Chocolate Orpington (CH2)
Chocolate Orpington (CH3)
*FUN bantam pen (BS)
*FUN bantam pen (BT or BTIF)
Cream Legbars (CL3)
+F3 autosex OR (R3)
BBS laced red wyandottes
Lemon Cuckoo Orpington

This is just copied from my Facebook page. Not all of these are listed for sale as I am still growing out birds for myself or filling pre-orders. Please do inquire about availability though if you are wanting eggs or chicks soon as I do have quite a few orders already in place. :)
I would be interested in 25 chicks of a mix of Lavender Orpington, lavender marans, light Sussex, cream legbars and black copper marans. Do you know when you might have them and the cost? Thanks!
I would be interested in 25 chicks of a mix of Lavender Orpington, lavender marans, light Sussex, cream legbars and black copper marans. Do you know when you might have them and the cost? Thanks!

the cost per chick are listed in the table in the original post. if you can't see that you can find prices on my website. I won't have any lav marans for a while but will have black split to lavender as i am breeding back to black copper to improve egg color. Otherwise, I should be able to have the other chicks in 3-5 weeks or so.
How much longer until you think you will have Polish chicks available? I am in no rush esp if I can get a good deal!
finally both pens are laying. i have at least 15-20 chicks pre-ordered of each type. So, i'm guessing i will start shipping those out in late march. should have chicks available in april. of course, it all depends on how many you are wanting. i will have a chick here and there starting to hatch this upcoming week and then will gradually have more and more each week based on increase egg production. so, if you are only wanting a few, i could have them in weeks. if you want a full order, of 8 plus or so chicks, then april. :)
I do only want a few. Its still a bit chilly even here in Savannah, GA. I mean right now its only about 50 degrees outside. We have a small backyard flock of 3 hens and I would like to only add a couple more until I get my coop built this spring. Let me know what you can do! Thanks!

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