Day one on the road to becoming smoke free.

I am very proud of you too! It is a very hard thing to stop. Congratulations and keep up the great work!

Get rid of the rest of your cigs.

Don't go near any place where you used to buy them.

Remove all temptation at this point.

I thought I was the last one to think about quitting. My friend, Wildsky, introduced me to electronic cigarettes. I wish they weren't called that, because they are not. Anyway, I decided to try them just to save some money. After 10 days , I thought it was rediculous to keep smoking nasty tasting stuff, when I could be "vaping" any flavor I want, I love caramel and nutty flavors. Thanks to them, after 35 years I didn't smoke anymore. It's been 3 years come this April. Now I find that my rechargeable batteries are lasting me longer-I guess I'm not vaping as much now. In the beginning, I vaped like crazy.

I have respect for anyone who attempts to quit. I loved smoking. I know what it's like to quit. I planned my life around those cigarette breaks.
I've done extensive research on these vapor gadgets. It's vapor-like at concerts , you can choose the nicotine level you want, and I think there must be over 50 flavors.
Do not believe all the negative publicity, there are reasons for it, politics and money, that have created misinformation-an example would be the government makes 36 Billion dollars off smokers. Do you think they really want you to quit smoking? Smokers are their cash cow. They promote the methods that don't really work all that well. They are not promoting methods that may work better.

If you want more info, I have it. If you want information , you can also go to . Don't let the word "cigarette" mislead you, they are not cigarettes, electronic or otherwise.


Congrats on your day 1. !!!!!!!
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