Dead raccoon


someone asked earlier what I bait the traps with. 2 nights ago, it was a left over piece of cooked hamburger patty. Another night, it was the insides of a canteloupe, last night, it was a half eaten salami sandwich the girls didn't finish in their lunch from school.

And, YES, the salami sandwich caught a 3rd raccoon.

I have answered the question.... the results of my answer .............. BANG, dead raccoon!

LOLOL, I would have used the .458 but felt the noise would have been a little loud for the neighborhood. Instead, I end up with the .22 I would LOVE to use the M40A3 at 800 yards to take out the critter - but not in my neighborhood.
I just read an article about how distemper is going around again in my community, and that raccoons are a big carrier. Relocating an infected raccoon could not only affect the wild population in that new area but also affect pet dogs & other domestic animals there.

I felt very fortunate to have trapped a raccoon who evidently first removed the bait eggs and ate them outside of the trap, but then went back into the trap for the smelly cat food set UNDER the trap. He could have instead done the same thing your raccoon did. Try putting the eggs in a mesh bag tied to the back of the trap. I'm going to do the same in the future. Happy hunting!
I'm glad this works for you, but I have also asked these questions and found different answers. I think it is an oversimplification to say that this situation has only the rule of "kill or die". No, nature is not pretty, but my chickenhouse has nothing to do with nature and everything to do with human manipulation of the enviorment. I agree about the hypocracy of eating meat but being unwilling to kill it yourself, so I don't eat meat, and I only kill when it is for mercy or compleletly unavoidable. I have raised chickens a long time, and figured out how to keep my birds safe and allow predators the use of my property. I have no predation problems, and if I were, I would take other means to solve it than killing the predator. I have great confidence in humanity's ability to build a better mousetrap, so to speak, and I problem solve when I run into wildlife problems. I wanted to raise chickens bad enough to build solid pens that keep the predators out, and I free range with the acceptance that a hawk may take one in mind. I have a trap, I use it on housecats who I take to the pound. Not trying to start anything, just wanted to point out that there are plenty of ways to be a responsible chicken owner and that killing predators is not mandatory. IMHO
OCD, I am not angry. Just dissapointed that I am not really able to relocate and dump a problem on someone else. I do shoot high powered rifles at paper and was making a joke out of the .458 caliber to get at my banker friend in the Northwest.

Last night, I caught a neighborhood cat in the trap. This morning, I delivered the kitty to the owner who was calling for it at about 7ish while out for the paper. You should have seen the neighbors face when I delivered the cat, HISSING, still in the trap. PRICELESS !!!!!

All I have to use for bait tonight are pieces of cut tomato. I wonder what may come in for a bite tonight?

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