
Jul 25, 2018
Near Live Oak Florida
When using the deep bedding method in the coop how often do all of you change it out completely? I was so use to cleaning and sanitizing my coop every week and basic cleaning everyday. My life was revolving around my chickens and it seemed I had no time for anything else so I read about deep bedding method. It keeps the smell gone and it looks clean almost always. Just wondering how often to change it out especially during the Florida summers
Hi! I've been doing deep bedding about a little over a year now and have never completely cleaned the coop. About 6 months in I cleaned out what was under the roosts and little more. Maybe half total of the bedding, then stirred up the rest and layed a fresh layer. I was using pine shavings. Id add a inch or 2 layer every couple weeks as needed. It got to about 1 ft deep.

Anyways I just did a big cleam out a couple weeks ago like above. But im switchinv to wheat straw because of cost. However it doesnt keep the coop nearly as fresh smelling. There's no ammonia smell but def poop smell.

So I'll likely go back to pine shavings. I do like the straw in the boxes and right outside the coop though. Its really helped keep the mud at bay and eggs cleaner.

My girls are mostly out in the pasture all day though. And only locked up in the coop at night.

Eta: I read that changing deep bedding is similar to changing fish tank water in that you don't want to get rid of all of the beneficial bacteria so keep some of the old bedding in.
I change mine out totaly, about once a year or 1.5 years. I use a poop board though, so my coop bedding itself doesn't get much poop in it. I will occasionally add some pine shavings throughout the year to freshen it up. I also add some PDZ when I change out the bedding. I throw the shavings in my deep litter run.
Your nose will tell you when you need to change it out. As long as it stays dry it should never stink so keep as much water out as possible. Another potential issue is that if poop gets too thick enough it can stay wet. You may need to pay special attention to the area under the roosts.

I have an 8' x 12' coop but my climate allows the chickens to pretty much spend all day outside every day of the year so they don't poop in the coop much except at night. I use a droppings board to collect the poop from the roosts for my compost pile. I might clean my droppings board once every week, I might wait 6 weeks before I scrape them. It depends on how many chickens I have in there and how humid the weather is. If it starts to smell I waited too long.

I totally remove pine shavings and everything from the coop floor once every three to four years. It's not that I need to but I want that stuff on my garden. If I out it on my garden in the fall by planting time if has broken down. As you can tell I'm not a fanatic about keeping the coop really clean. You may have less tolerance for that.

Main Roosts.JPG


I don't know what will work for you but the main thing is to keep it dry.
I change mine out totaly, about once a year or 1.5 years. I use a poop board though, so my coop bedding itself doesn't get much poop in it. I will occasionally add some pine shavings throughout the year to freshen it up. I also add some PDZ when I change out the bedding. I throw the shavings in my deep litter run.
Same here.
-I use poop boards under roosts with thin(<1/2") layer of sand/PDZ mix, sifted daily(takes 5-10mins) into bucket going to friends compost.

-Scrape big or wet poops off roost and ramps as needed.

-Pine shavings on coop floor, add some occasionally, totally changed out once or twice a year, old shavings added to run.

-Runs have semi-deep litter, never clean anything out, just add smaller dry materials on occasion, add larger wood chippings as needed.

-Nests are bedded with straw, add some occasionally, change out if needed(broken egg).

There is no odor, unless a fresh cecal has been dropped and when I open the bucket to add more poop.

That's how I keep it 'clean', have not found any reason to clean 'deeper' in 5 years.
My chickens do not have a run. They have a 40' by 60' yard with an 8 foot fence. I would just throw the shavings in the compost bin once weekly. I am fanatical about everything needs to shine. A bad habit to have and I am trying to break it lol. If I can get away with once or twice a year that would give me some of my life back. I have poo catchers under roosts I rehab animals but the chickens take up most of my time
Hi! I've been doing deep bedding about a little over a year now and have never completely cleaned the coop. About 6 months in I cleaned out what was under the roosts and little more. Maybe half total of the bedding, then stirred up the rest and layed a fresh layer. I was using pine shavings. Id add a inch or 2 layer every couple weeks as needed. It got to about 1 ft deep.

Anyways I just did a big cleam out a couple weeks ago like above. But im switchinv to wheat straw because of cost. However it doesnt keep the coop nearly as fresh smelling. There's no ammonia smell but def poop smell.

So I'll likely go back to pine shavings. I do like the straw in the boxes and right outside the coop though. Its really helped keep the mud at bay and eggs cleaner.

My girls are mostly out in the pasture all day though. And only locked up in the coop at night.

Eta: I read that changing deep bedding is similar to changing fish tank water in that you don't want to get rid of all of the beneficial bacteria so keep some of the old bedding in.
Have you tried PDZ for odor. It works well
I clean out my coop twice a year (could probably go once a year if I really wanted to) and spot clean under the roosts each morning (I don't have a poop board). Spot cleaning really extends On cleanouts I don't do a full clean as it hasn't been necessary, I push out about 2/3rds of the bedding, from under the roost and around the middle of the coop, then push over the stuff from the other end to under the roost, and supplement with new litter.

Old litter goes into the run to supplement the litter there.

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