Deep litter method

Can you drop in a few pallets and cover with straw??? Tha should allow the water to flow thru and give the birds a moderately dry area to walk.

that's an idea, but i would be surprised if the water hasn't drained out by this afternoon, now that the rain has stopped.

thanks all for the suggestions!
Maybe just be prepared for the next rain-- which I do hope will be soon so CA can catch up on its water needs!

we do not get this kind of intense rainfall (somewhere around 8-10 inches fell here at my house over the weekend) very often, so it's a very rare event -- not really something i'd ordinarily plan for!

and i got home in time this afternoon to check out my coops post-flooding a bit more carefully -- the water and mud has combined with the partly-composted deep litter in the runs to form a pretty thick pasty muck -- not sure how "cleanable" it really is, as opposed to just letting the top layer dry out, adding some more litter on top, and hoping the rest composts away below?
we do not get this kind of intense rainfall (somewhere around 8-10 inches fell here at my house over the weekend) very often, so it's a very rare event -- not really something i'd ordinarily plan for!

and i got home in time this afternoon to check out my coops post-flooding a bit more carefully -- the water and mud has combined with the partly-composted deep litter in the runs to form a pretty thick pasty muck -- not sure how "cleanable" it really is, as opposed to just letting the top layer dry out, adding some more litter on top, and hoping the rest composts away below?

That's a good idea, but don't take any out...just layer a thick layer of dry on top of it and you'll be surprised at how that wet litter underneath will attract some worms and bugs.....and then your flock will toss that bedding from one end of the coop to the other to get those little treats, thereby aerating your litter for you. I wouldn't stir it in with the dry because the birds will do that soon enough. Just lay down some dry footing and let nature happen.
That's a good idea, but don't take any out...just layer a thick layer of dry on top of it and you'll be surprised at how that wet litter underneath will attract some worms and bugs.....and then your flock will toss that bedding from one end of the coop to the other to get those little treats, thereby aerating your litter for you. I wouldn't stir it in with the dry because the birds will do that soon enough. Just lay down some dry footing and let nature happen.

thanks, Bee -- this is my inclination too. there are already lots of worms and etc. in there, and the litter was fairly broken down already, so i think piling some more dry stuff on top is the answer, now that the water has drained away.

My birds keep kicking out all the straw I their nesting boxes. I put some pine shavings down first, then I put in handfuls of straw. They keep kicking it all out. I have put it in every time I go up to check and every time I go up they have kicked out at least half of it. What am I doing wrong?

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