Deep litter method

I'm in the suburbs. And I drive through the neighborhood looking at all the leaves on their lawns. And for a moment, I consider asking them if I can rake their lawns. But then I worry about fertilizer, chemicals and dog poop and then I hesitate.

I have four HUGE city trees and I'll bet I could bag up 5-6 huge lawn bags worth. And still have plenty to put into the chicken run for the hens to kick around, into the compost bin and mulch around some of the more sensitive plants.

I'll give that a try. Worse case, I can use those fine shavings that I can buy at the feed store. They also have rice hulls too which are cheep, $10 for a 50lb sack and those might work well too. At least for the summer months when leaves are sparse.
That's what I did when I lived at a place with few leaves...I just contacted a lawn service in the area and asked if I could collect their leaves they sacked up and they were all too eager to comply. Seems they have to pay to dump those in the land fill, so they will give grass clippings and leaves to folks if they ask.

I currently have a world's supply of leaves at my disposal and so spent part of the day storing even more of them than I stored last year. I've been sneezing and snuffy nosed ever since.
I have three trash cans of packed leaves stored, an 8x3x4 pen full of loose leaves, and have raked the coop so full that I had to go in there and smash them down so the birds wouldn't drown in leaves. Then I raked a huge load of leaves into their lounge area as well.

LOVE free bedding materials.
Me to! LOVE free bedding and stuff. I have a bunch piled here and there in the yard since we never have snow I really don't have to worry much about that. Hubby is suppose to fix that path I have out in the roost area for me tomorrow since I am still ailing and can't do that. STILL got this mess in my chest and every time I walk out there I put on my mask so I can turn under the poop and not make it worse. The dust out there is HORRIBLE! I'm going to wet the whole thing down before he throws in the fresh bedding stuff so the bottom will be wet and it wont be soooo dusty! When I am turning their poop under the roost area I usually have to rake up the DL from the path I kept to walk in and it looks like the place is on fire it's soooooooo dusty under there. SO I told hubby I was going to fix that part with DL to so them and me don't have to breath that mess and I can wet it down when it gets dusty and they wont be walking on wet stuff and it cold. You know how the DL does once it gets wet the top is dryer. So that's my plans now for that path because it's just too dusty and I can't be tending to it and it like that with this mess in my chest.

Also for the past few days they are really working that soil under their roost so it must finally have some bugs in it. They have gotten it all the way down to the soil on the north and west sides. lol You should see the yard out there around their pen. I saw it the other day and fell out laughing because it looks like where a litter of baby pigs and have been rooting around and digging. I had to take pix of it yesterday. They have FINALLY figured out HOW to find the bugs and finding them they are. One of them found a baby snake a couple weeks ago and the chase was on. I was rolling in laughter.
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Start with no less than 6 inches, and then add more as needed
There's no real need to "maintain" it, and the  biggest mistake people make it NOT just leaving it alone and letting it work

Ok. I would like it to compost before I plant my garden if possible. Should I remove it and start over again in say February to give it time in the compost pile before planting? Do I have to turn the litter or will they do that? Thanks so much for your help!
Ok. I would like it to compost before I plant my garden if possible. Should I remove it and start over again in say February to give it time in the compost pile before planting? Do I have to turn the litter or will they do that? Thanks so much for your help!
Personally, I'd compost something elsefor this year, and let the Deep Litter work for at least a year.
Then when you do remove it, LEAVE about 25% to introduce the bacteria that makes the whole system work the way it should

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