Deep litter method

That is really nice.

I've been meaning to ask this, what is the best diameter of roost perch to have? I want to use natural branches for my coop and I'm not sure how big around they should be. I'm starting a collection of different sizes for growing chicks. :)

well this peep cage you see in the one picture is going back up, came home tonight from action with 12 rir peeps 5 wks old so they can go out in the peep coop, also got 11 rir peeps 2 wks and 1 odd one plus the 6 sex licks I got yesterday which are 1 wk old total of 30 peeps plus the older ones there are 28 hens and 2 roos old in coop so we now have 60 chickens, have to get another coop together this summer. I am not sure how he made the perches he has some with boards and some with broom handles, which most of them like, only 10 roost on the boards the rest are on the handles. I don't build I just buy them lol

I am doing the deep litter method but would like a little more information on the use of DE. I read that chickens can easily have respiratory problems and using DE could harm them. My babies will be 3 weeks tomorrow so should I wait till they are older?

I am doing the deep litter method but would like a little more information on the use of DE.  I read that chickens can easily have respiratory problems and using DE could harm them.  My babies will be 3 weeks tomorrow so should I wait till they are older?

You don't need DE. People use it to get rid of bugs. I haven't had any problem with bugs. The key is the deep litter and loads of ventilation. Making sure your deep litter doesn't get to dry. I have used DE in my dusting bath, but it probably doesn't need it.

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