
You CAN castrate a buck and they will act like a doe. this MUST be done before any antler growth, if you let the antlers start growing they will never shed, and they wont stop producing velvet. this creates a very bad situation. You can see this in wild deer that have been castrated by jumping a fence too low.

Deer can make great pets if bottle raised (no bucks though) and are not any flightier then a scared horse.

One of the best species for a pet, is the Muntjac
Wow! I saw a wild deer like that once in Mason County. Well, similar anyway. He was almost entirely white with some bluish-grey splashes on his body.
My father killed a 10 point that was piebald back in the early 80's. It made the paper and was quite the local thing as no one had ever seen one before.

20 some years later, I killed one very close to where he killed his....
There is a deer farm about a mile from my house. I don't know how many acres they have, but they have a 10ft fence surrounding the whole thing. I know they will sell some of the extra offspring to other people, but they usually just sell venison.

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