Definitions for "mash" and for "drench"?

Mash is fine powder. Some use it for chicks. I use crumbles. The only difference is the form the feed is in. All feed starts with mash then made into a paste to extrude pellet form and crumbles are crushed pellets. Sounds counter productive to make crumbles but it's a way to sell broken pellets so in reality a useful form of feed.

Drench I assume means Nutri-Drench. Vitamins with electrolytes added to water. Used for shipping stress, hatching stress, heat stress and any other condition where your attempting to energize the birds to eat more.
If you look up Scratch & Peck brand feed, that's considered a mash - it has whole and cracked grains along with fines (powder) that have protein and vitamins in it.

Drench can mean to give a bird a dose of liquid medication orally, i.e. if treating cocci folks often will inject a dose of the medication and water mix directly into the mouth of the afflicted bird, to ensure they're getting enough medication.

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