Dehydration: Symptoms, Cure and Prevention

I have 8 chickens ( 6 white leghorn hens, 1 white leghorn rooster and 1 brown leghorn hen). They are all 4.5 months old. We let them out of their run for a hour about every second day but the rest of the time they are in their run which is partly shaded throughout the day. Today we had them out and my brown hen (Henrietta) seemed ok until we put her back in the run. Then she just seemed dazed, tail down and just stood there. She took a few slow steps around and did drink water but wouldn't eat even when I offered her a treat of watermelon which they all love. I kept my eye on her for about an hour and she didn't seem better. It was getting close to the time when they all would go in the henhouse for the night so for safety from the others if they decided to turn on her and so I could take better care of her, I took her out of the run and now have her in a crate in my garage. She is still the same but I just put a dish of fresh water right under her beak and she is drinking. She has only laid one brown egg so far and that was about 5 days ago. I have been reading everyone's comments but still uncertain to what could be wrong. All my other chickens seem fine. I am new to this and I am quite worried about Henrietta as she is my favourite, mostly because she is the most friendly chicken and she comes right to me when I walk into the coop and she lets us pet her and occasionally pick her up and coddle her for a few minutes. I would appreciate any advice you have to give me. Thanks!! :)
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Have you had this experience before? Is there anything I can do to help? The stores were closed today but I will head out first thing in the morning if it's not too late:(. Thanks for your reply. I will most certainly keep you updated.
Coccidiosis could be a possibility, as well as worms, but I would check inside her vent 1-2 inches to see if she is egg bound. Treatment for that is a calcium tablet or Tums given orally, and soaking in warm water up to the wings for 30 minutes. Of course, if here is no egg felt, then skip the rest. If you do treat for cocci, I would worm her after completing the 5 day course. Also check her for mites.
I left her to be on her own for the night and this morning she is clucking, pecking, eating, drinking and appears to be wondering why she is not with her I looked further into the large dog carrier that we have her in and there is an egg! This is only her second egg and it is quite large. It appears to have a thin skin around it but no evidence of blood. She must have been egg bound! I will check her more closely once my kids go to school. Should I keep her where she is for a little while incase there is another egg? Since this has happened could it happen all the time for her? I thank BYC for being available to me for advice and peace of mind! Thanks everyone and I will keep you updated on how my sweet Henrietta is doing! Have a great day!! :)
She may have had a hard time passing the egg since she is new at it--was the egg large? I would let her out with the others, and I'm glad she is better. Make sure she is getting plenty of calcium with crushed oyster shell or crumbled egg shells available to eat.
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Yes the egg was quite large...poor her. Her bottom seems fine too...phew!! Thanks so much for your well wishes and advice!! :)
If this
I left her to be on her own for the night and this morning she is clucking, pecking, eating, drinking and appears to be wondering why she is not with her I looked further into the large dog carrier that we have her in and there is an egg! This is only her second egg and it is quite large. It appears to have a thin skin around it but no evidence of blood. She must have been egg bound! I will check her more closely once my kids go to school. Should I keep her where she is for a little while in case there is another egg? Since this has happened could it happen all the time for her? I thank BYC for being available to me for advice and peace of mind! Thanks everyone and I will keep you updated on how my sweet Henrietta is doing! Have a great day!!
Does it have a shell? If the egg had been in there for several days there might be another one right behind it, which she might have trouble passing. Probably best to give her a tums or human calcium pill just in case there is another egg. In the future, if you notice any acting the way she was, you can give calcium, fill your bathroom will steam and place the hen in there for several hours. Some people soak their birds in warm water, but I have found that method too stressful and less effective than steam and calcium.


we have a very dehydrated bird and we cannot get her to open her beak to drink the molasses water. she was caught under a rubbermaid container for three or four days. she is a wanderer and we thought she'd been preyed upon by a predator.

How do we open her beak to get her to drink? She is very limp with low responsiveness. Please help! Thanks.
She needs water, pedialyte or Gatorade,
maybe with some corn syrup or sugar. I would not give molasses. If she were mine I would tube fluids to her. Can you take her to a vet?

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