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Sooooo, ya gonna eat it!?? LOL

Sorry, You do what you have to do to protect those little ones.
Did tons of checking....can't find anything that says you can't shoot them. There are plenty of them here. Actually on our way home, we spotted 2 others within 2 miles of us.
It is illegal to shoot most birds!!!!! Hawks, and Turkey Vultures, fill an essential role in our world. Hawks eat snakes, rodents, all those other animals people consider pests. It is a much better idea to keep your chickens in their coop when there are predators around rather than eliminating protected species.
Yep, you should probably go ahead and delete that post before you get a visit from a wildlife official with a huge fine.

Not judging, everybody makes mistakes, just be more careful do the research first next time and if you do have to make the tough decision to take out a predator keep it to yourself so you don't get into trouble!
If hubby wants to clean it and throw it on the grill...I'll have a bite or two!

As for not posting such things, I'll keep that in mind for the future.
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