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I've seen posts where the original poster went back and edited their post and just deleted the info. I guess that is the only way to do it unless a moderator steps in to take care of it for you.

Good luck!
Legal Status
Turkey vultures and black vultures are
Federally protected by the Migratory Bird
Treaty Act, administered by the U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service. In order to trap, kill,
relocate, or otherwise handle a vulture or its
eggs, a Federal permit is required. Federal and State
permit applications are available from USDA
United States Department of Agriculture
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
Wildlife Services
140-C Locust Grove Rd.
Pittstown, NJ 08867
(908) 735-5654 / Fax (908) 735-0821
Fact Sheet
January 2003

This is a link to the list of birds protected by the MBTA:
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Yep, kinda sad since he was just hanging out and not going to hurt anything.

My first reaction when I read this was, "Huh? Who can't tell the difference between a Turkey Vulture and a Hawk?" Then I realized the OP was from IL. Here in Texas we have TONS of those flying around all over the place. You get so used to seeing them that you don't even realize how creepy and intimidating they must look to someone who hasn't seen them before.
Shamefully I have to admit I think I would have done the same. You didn't know and you only thought you were protecting your birds. Sorry that it wasn't what you thought it was though
I would have been sad too
Last week while I out in the back yard an American Bald Eagle swooped down and came about 3 feet from our Goose and Gander! yikes! That scared me! What did i do? I put them away in their goose house. They free range all day. Before the night comes we put them away.

The vulture eats dead things. They are scavangers, who eat left overs and road kill. I would never think of shooting the eagle or the vulture...we are the cilvilized ones here.

We had a goose killed in broad daylight! Coyotes came in a pack and ran with her...leaving just her wing behind. We were home at the time too! You need to protect your animals by locking them up. We have to large coop and run for our chickens...we never would let them free range here. They'd be gone in a flash!
Don't kill! Protect your flock...I learned the hard way. But the right way is not to kill. Protect!

Hangin wit my peeps....Thanks. I didn't think it was possible to feel worse about it.....but I do now.
I'll remember it next time. Too late now. Can't tell you how I wish I had SSSHHHH'd. If it had been my neighbor's pet dog or such, all I would be reading was how "if it's on your property and threatening your livestock you have every right to take it out" And I don't even think this thing was anyone's PET. I understand it was wrong and I feel bad. Worse since posting. So I think I'll quit posting now...quit reading too...and wait for the nice conservation police to come to my door, as I'm sure there are some that have already called!!
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