Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

artsyrobin: So sorry to hear about Mary's sister!
Re: Bumblefoot.. I actually found similar advice online and tried non-invasive methods first. They didn't work, sadly, and so I did the minor bumblefoot surgery. She had it in her left foot, then her right a few months later, and then a few months after her left had healed beautifully I noticed her limping again. I always know it's bumblefoot because she not only limps but stops eating well. So far her feet are healed very well and she is eating like a pig!
Thanks- really, beyond me what they had- but mary seems healthy and eating like there is no tomorow

with bumblefoot, i guess its different in every case- his was strange, so large and couldn't find a core- wonder if it was a different kind of infection?
Thanks- really, beyond me what they had- but mary seems healthy and eating like there is no tomorow

with bumblefoot, i guess its different in every case- his was strange, so large and couldn't find a core- wonder if it was a different kind of infection?

Huh! I am not sure. With Coho's, it developed really quite quickly and each time was a very hard, sharp kernel. The last time it happened, I checked her feet before I had to do a show on a Tuesday (I habitually check her feet because of her problems) and by the time I got home the next Monday she was limping so bad that she was falling over! My parents took care of my chickens while I was away, but didn't know her behavior was any different (they aren't "bird people"). The kernel I got out was very sharp, and shaped like a pyramid, with the point poking up into her foot. Poor girl.

Seems our birds are once again on the same page with their molts.
Here's Cricket at the beginning of the month (in a week during which there was snow on the ground and we were having temps in the single digits):

She was totally bare over almost her entire body (except for what you can see) with pins coming in everywhere. I was inclined to leave her be, but she started to get 'woozy', so she got a little pink dress to help her keep warm.
She's grown in feathers and her dress is off now, but it's also been warmer than it was at the beginning of the month.

Poor thing! But she does look hilarious in her pink outfit!
sadly i am down to only one fav girl, Mary, her sister died a couple days ago, apparently she was good at hiding she was sick- so Mary is house girl for awhile- she is a spoiled thing and must be part piranha, never let her know you are eating or you are doomed!

I'm so sorry to hear that Mary's sister died. Mary is such a pretty gal!
Poor thing! But she does look hilarious in her pink outfit!

She hated it, too. :lol: Spent the whole time in it doing this sort of high-step walk like she was trying to walk out of it.

HEY GUYS didja know Jennifer (Fud Lady) was some artwork for sale on "Everything else" for sale BYC forum. Take a look :thumbsup


(From the description of the artwork for sale: )

"The Big Stink" is an affectionate nickname we have for our head hen chicken, a Barred Rock named Moa. When she was young she was a little bit smelly, though thankfully she seems to have grown out of it.

Fud Lady, I always thought you called Moa "The Big Stink" because of her attitude! :eek: Wow.
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She hated it, too.
Spent the whole time in it doing this sort of high-step walk like she was trying to walk out of it.

Fud Lady, I always thought you called Moa "The Big Stink" because of her attitude!

Hah! No. She has a minor hygiene problem where she doesn't keep her fluffy, fluffy butt clean.... If you know what I mean! If I don't trim her up she'd have some serious problems.
Seems our birds are once again on the same page with their molts.
Here's Cricket at the beginning of the month (in a week during which there was snow on the ground and we were having temps in the single digits):

She was totally bare over almost her entire body (except for what you can see) with pins coming in everywhere. I was inclined to leave her be, but she started to get 'woozy', so she got a little pink dress to help her keep warm.
She's grown in feathers and her dress is off now, but it's also been warmer than it was at the beginning of the month.
How can you get that thing on a chicken? I tried before and the chicken tried to eat my finger up.
Yay we finally have eggs from the Faverolles! Apearently they were all bored in the coop during the snow we had and thought laying eggs may be fun. I only have 3 fav girls that are old enough to lay and it looks like they had a competition


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