Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

I was able to get a few snapshots of the new chicks this morning! They hatched on July 25th, so they are approaching eight weeks old!

Here is the cute little blue cockerel. He is very outgoing, sweet, and funny! Despite being raised by a broody, he is very much okay with people, and will hop into my lap so that I can pet his tiny bowling ball of a body. He takes watching over both me and his sister very seriously, and makes a great show about chasing off our cat!

At first his eye scared me a bit, but I have looked closely, and it's just changing colors, which is normal for a chick. It's not the "pupil bleeding" or morphing look that Marek's birds sometimes get.

And here is his sister! She was raised by a broody that was not okay with people around, and so her momma taught her to shy away from people. Even though I've only had her for three days, she's been warming up to me and now lets me pet her. Today she nearly fell asleep in my hands so I think she's learned that I am safe. Her brother has taught her that I'm okay, too, it seems! She is still rather shy... but with her brother, she thinks that she is boss!

I keep looking at her and thinking "Mildred" and giggling to myself. Perhaps it will stick.

I need to figure out some names, soon....!
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You are all so delightful!

Yes, the lady that bred and hatched these chicks for me was the same lady I got Trousers from. Her name is CherylR here on the forum.

The new cochin roo is here, along with one of his sisters. They all have the same daddy-- a splash cochin roo that is Trousers' brother! As far as I know, they have different mothers, but the mothers were Trousers's sisters (paternal only). None of the other cochins have the same momma as Trousers, as the hen that he came from was pulled from breeding since she was throwing the red gene. The rest of the flock is blue/black/splash.

The wee roo-- still a chick, peeppeep!-- is super cute. He is mellow, but outgoing, and very sweet with people. He was raised by a broody silkie momma who also happens to be very sweet.

The wee hen is a black, and the same age as her brother. Her momma broody was shy around people so she is very nervous about us. I think that will change in time.

I will take photos once it's not so yucky and dark/overcast outside. The chicks are in my house in a large dog kennel for at least a month for quarantine... after that I will have to see how big they are.

No names yet... I gotta get to know them first!

:woot :celebrate :weee :yesss: THE BABIES ARE HERE!! :jumpy :jumpy Can't wait to watch them growing up via pictures and stories. p.s. you know alot of us peeps live vicariously thru Derp and family.. ;) :p :love

p.s.s. Your inside birdies are do cute Nambroth!
Best ever!

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