Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

She is all that is left of my original 4 Pekin hens. They are very sweet little chooks, but not very robust. I lost 2 to no particular reason - they just died in the night. One died from misadventure - she broke her neck. Because of all the fluff she tends to be higher maintenance with washing and clipping and what-not. I don't really name my chooks, they all get generic interchangeable titles such as "madame", "young lady", "missy", "sweety-beak" and similar.
I am not sure that many people visit the Derp Thread anymore! Should I continue to make Derp posts?....
I subscribe to the Derp thread and get weekly updates. When I saw that there were 92 unread posts this week, I knew there was a flap about something. I am one of the dedicated fans who love Derp and her friends. Did you know that as of February,3, there are 160,751 views of the Derp thread (and counting)?

Thank you for braving the cold to make the video updates. It is amazing how relaxing it is to watch a chicken close her eyes in response to being pet.
Thank you for the lovely Derp/Coho/Trousers videos, Ms. Fud Lady! And yes, the Derp thread would be terribly missed here in our house.
My mom and I are big Derp fans, and now she says if we could have more chickens, she would want Faverolles. I always call her over to view any new Derp updates.

Thank you for keeping your loyal audience/fan club entertained!
Nope, not quite! Coho's fluff keeps out of her eyes, though it is close. Derp's fluff DOES go into her eyes though-- right into the lid. I have to trim them sometimes.

That is every day for me! I don't know if it's because I view the world as an artist or if I'm just simple! I can spend hours looking at the little things and I get so excited.
I know how you feel, people look at me like I'm crazy sometimes. Though less than they used to in other places. Living in Savannah with SCAD right there people are used to crazy artists now I guess.
Someone keeps eating Derperella's beard and muffs off. I have no idea who, as I never catch anyone doing it and I observe the chickens pretty often. The weird thing is that Derp does not really like any of the other chickens near her-- if they get close she will walk or run off. So I cannot imagine her tolerating anyone plucking her beard!

I used to think it was Coho, because Coho and Derp used to cuddle a lot and if anyone had a chance to pluck her, it would have been Coho. But, no-- Right now, for whatever reason, Derp hates sweet Coho and will drive her away with violent pecks! Coho won't get anywhere near Derp, not to mention near her wicked beak.

Whoever is eating Derp's beard is not interested in Coho's or Willow's beards.
Someone keeps eating Derperella's beard and muffs off. I have no idea who, as I never catch anyone doing it and I observe the chickens pretty often. The weird thing is that Derp does not really like any of the other chickens near her-- if they get close she will walk or run off. So I cannot imagine her tolerating anyone plucking her beard!

I used to think it was Coho, because Coho and Derp used to cuddle a lot and if anyone had a chance to pluck her, it would have been Coho. But, no-- Right now, for whatever reason, Derp hates sweet Coho and will drive her away with violent pecks! Coho won't get anywhere near Derp, not to mention near her wicked beak.

Whoever is eating Derp's beard is not interested in Coho's or Willow's beards.

A lot of that is personality type. My older Easter-egger, Cubby, lets others eat her beard off, too, but none of the other EEs seem to allow it to happen.

Not to point any fingers, but the ones that usually pluck Cubby's beard are the red sexlinks and production reds in my flock. I suspect because they produce so many more eggs than the others, they're trying to get more protein in their diets. Cub just stands there staring into space and lets it happen. :idunno

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