Designer Egg Chain

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What is the current offer?

I have the current offer up:

6+ eggs from my mixed flock.. roosters: BO, RIR, Columbian Wyndotte, Light Brahma and EE.. Hens are predominately BO with some RIR, EE, Light Brahma, BLRW and Columbian Wyndotte.. I also have a beautiful game hen but she just went broody.. so out of commission for the egg production (she makes pretty pretty babies!!) I will also sweeten the pot by adding 2 pure eggs.. could be any of the breeds above or BCM or silkie or BBS Orpington.. you never know.
uh oh hippiehen! you're in for it now... there's about half a dozen different swaps going on this forum. It's slow now but in the spring and summer they really get rolling and you have to keep your eye on it throughout the day because some really awesome stuff get's offered - then *bang!* it's snatched up.
Look forward to swapping with you this year... good luck!

Thanks, I can't wait! Hopefully I'll have some heritage turkey eggs to share!
I have the current offer up:

6+ eggs from my mixed flock.. roosters: BO, RIR, Columbian Wyndotte, Light Brahma and EE.. Hens are predominately BO with some RIR, EE, Light Brahma, BLRW and Columbian Wyndotte.. I also have a beautiful game hen but she just went broody.. so out of commission for the egg production (she makes pretty pretty babies!!) I will also sweeten the pot by adding 2 pure eggs.. could be any of the breeds above or BCM or silkie or BBS Orpington.. you never know.

Bump :)
Oh man. I'll take them... if you can wait and ship them March 12-13 or so? I only have one incubator so I can only run one bunch at a time and I already have eggs coming from the March/Easter swap. So if it works out for me to throw yours in there with that bunch, I'll be very happy to have them ;-) I'll put my offer up later this afternoon if I get these.
Oh man. I'll take them... if you can wait and ship them March 12-13 or so? I only have one incubator so I can only run one bunch at a time and I already have eggs coming from the March/Easter swap. So if it works out for me to throw yours in there with that bunch, I'll be very happy to have them ;-) I'll put my offer up later this afternoon if I get these.

I can wait.. : )
Yay, thanks! =D Now for my offer. 3 roosters are- 2 big black EEs with pretty silver markings on their wings, necks, and tails, and one Buff Orpington. Hens are- buff orpington and beautifully marked EE mutts, as well as 3 colorful mutts that I have no idea what breeds are in them. All are standard except for one, a Lavender bantam cochin hen. Bantam eggs can be included or excluded on request. Eggs are green, dark and light brown, and extremely light/white.
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