
6 Years
Jan 1, 2017
Hi all,
I recently bought 6 eggs and due to infertility I had to throw 2 out. Right now it's day 15 and egg number 2 doesn't have signs of movement, 3 and 6 do have movement although they look quite detached. 4 looks like a late quitter and I don't think it will hatch. I have a Brinsea mini II advance (with automatic egg turning on) and humidity is at about 49%. Will they still hatch even if they are detached? What are the chances? I will post pictures tomorrow.
I have Nankin and D'uccles bantams, and have found that I am very bad at judging whether a bantam will hatch once it's got a good start. I have also found that the eggs where the air cell has moved have a somewhat lower chance of hatching but it's not much lower, at least for the bantams. I would let them ride, and maybe even give them an extra day or two.
Here are some pictures.
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2 is actually showing little movement, 6 and 3 are too but 4 is not and I believe it is dead.
Question, do you guys think 4 is fertile? and should I take it out before lockdown? Its day 16. That large black dot in the middle of the egg moves around if the egg moves.

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