Devastated... Lost 7 of 13 chicks last night.

The body of both humans and animals gives off certain chemicals and their compounds. I have seem pigs eat chicken manure, chickens eat cow and horse manure. Dog eat and lay in all types of manure and dead things. And honey bees drawing moisture from manure pile runoff. Even butterflies will be on manure piles at times.

Aha! I knew that local honey tasted like cow manure! :sick:th
Thank you! I am also surprised by what this thread has become and feel some relief that many of us are in the same boat, so to speak! I have been greatful for this community.

We have used hot wire around our fences. An old dog of ours who is now passed used to be an escapee. Our now dog keep away from any "string" as I believe it only took her one good shock to learn. I would be interested in learning more about the device you have!
I got it from Amazon. It’s called Pawz Away and they have a bunch of different types of barriers. Indoor and outdoor, threshold for doorways and mini “spots.” I have tried it on myself and it isn’t painful. From the reviews, it seems a lot of people have used it successfully with cats as well. I also have a collar with a remote that has options for beep and vibrate which works really well for one of my dogs since she reacts badly to any static shock device. I am only letting her around our chickens and ducks when I’m with her and just vibrate if she fixates on them and she immediately turns and finds something else to investigate a safe distance away. Hope you find something that works! It’s hard to navigate the best way to help all our various animals coexist but I really think it’s possible!
I know I am late, but I had to share,
with my first set of chicks, I had two silkies, one had a bad case of pasty butt, the other had a mild case. Peek-a-boo, the bad case, died at two days old during the night. Smoky, the mild case started doing great! I thought he would live for sure. At 4 days old he died during the night. I am sort of glad Smoky didn't live because he would have been sad and lonely. Although it would have been an excuse to get more chicks! Then I got a set of 6 cochin bantam chicks, I thought some would die but turns out none did. I had 3 roos and 3 hens, kept my fav roo, Little Big Shot, he's nice, kind, and never attacks. I kept my hens, Firework, Truly, And Rebel Hen, all three are broody and Firework should hatch chicks any day now. Rebel Hen has earned her name. I have lost none of these chickens so far, but every day I'm scared I will walk out to find one dead. I hope all works out for you in the years to come.
Thank You!
This is my first go around with chicks or any poultry for that matter. Long story short I trusted my dog too much and last night at 1:30am her curiosity got the best of my new and first flock. I received the 13 chicks at 24 hours old, I have spent the last 2 1/2 weeks, learning about raising chicks and learning MY chicks. Two different brooders, on Monday I built an outdoor "playpen", two with pasty butt the first week, needless to say I was very invested. I had a roll of three foot high hardware cloth that I would roll across the brooder at night but I used it for my chick playpen. My dog awoke from my sons room and went into the living room, where I have been keeping the brooder (a 110 gallon trough with all the bells and whistles), and within seconds she jumped in, I heard the commotion and flew out of bed and screamed at her and she jumped out, but in that 30-45 seconds 7 of my chicks died. I only had one Silkie who in the first day I thought was going to die, then she had pasty butt day three and four, but was starting to look strong and healthy, she didn't make it. I also had a red Bielefender, I believed him to be a rooster and he was my favorite of all time, he is gone also. I'm not sure why my first response is to come on here and tell you all my horrible experience. Just needing to vent maybe.
As I write I also have noticed my 5 remaining chicks seem to be sleeping a lot more today than usual. Can they feel the loss? Can this effect them?
I am also wondering if I should try to get some new chicks to replace my loss. Wondering if I should give my five remaining to some friends that have been looking for some and get a whole new set so they are all the same age. I have learned my lesson with my dog and understand she cannot be trusted with poultry. We have goats and she has no problem with them. And she has never had an issue with another dog, or people, or children. I have so many questions and feelings. I have guilt because deep down I know I let my birds down.
Ohhh…I’m so sad for you! You are a very eggcellent chick mama. I think you should move forward with the remaining chicks. You’ll be surprised at how hard it is to befriend each of them as they get older and more active. With fewer, it won’t get out of hand. My new limit is three, whereas in the past I had nine. What breeds do you have left?
Dogs have natural instinct even though they have been domesticated for hundreds of years. My dog keeps on killing parakeets and birds :(
If it keeps killing Parakeets and you keep getting them you are irresponsible, STOP getting Parakeets!
I have a Belgian Malinois and she is around 3 Macaws and the neighbors chickens, she doesn't even try to get them.
If someone has a chicken killing dog, rehome it or kill it, you are an enabler Period!
I would focus on the 5 you have and get more at a later date. I love having a staggered flock and being able to add a few ever other year or so. They molt at different times, quit for winter different times, go broody different times. By having a mixed breed mixed age flock it seems to ensure someone is always laying strong when someone else may be taking a break.

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