Devil chick


Apr 28, 2017
Im accustomed to chicks pecking at my fingers while in the brooder. Most are harmless lil nibbles, but i have one redish chick who is the devil..When i interact with it the pecking and latching on starts while a slight fluttering of its wings, almost comical. Is this a sign of a soon to be mean roo? Not sure the breed, as these chciks were from a barnyard mix i hatched..
Like what Gary said.. shes/hes most likely possessed.. But to help with the aggression i'd stop giving it attention. Stop all the treats you've been giving him/her... Just basically ignore him/her for a while then see how it turns out.
Occasionally, whether from innate temperament or an abnormal level of hormones, you may find yourself with an aggressive chick.

I've watched a broody discipline her little babies and keep them in line by giving them occasional but necessary pecks on the back or top of the head. They let out a startled squeak and fall into line.

When I had a week-old Cream Legbar chick obsessively plucking the down from his (later discovered it was a "he") mates, I tried poking him on the back with my finger. He would abruptly stop. When he tried it again, I gave him another poke.

I spent five minutes at a time occasionally for the next two days watching him and poking him when I saw him start to go for a chick's down. This successfully stopped the bad behavior. He's now a splendid, perfectly behaved three-year old rooster.

I wrote an article on this topic for BYC. It's linked below and has some other tips on preventing aggression in the brooder.
@azygous, thanks..They are only 2 weeks, so no treats, just chick starter. Ive been trying to handle them some in hopes they may become more at ease around me..But i think i will try the poke thing if he does it again..
If you have the time....carry it around with you while walking. Some people stop rooster bad habits by doing this. I have one hen that when she gets broody, if I'm picking up eggs in the nesting box next to her, her head swivels over the wooden wall and nails me. She is way overhormoned when she is broody....(yeah I know overhormoned is not a word but I'm working with 2 brain cells and one is giving CPR to the other one so I can't think of the word I with me here people, lol)

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